800 kg of Fake Tomato Sauce Seized: Saharanpur

Recently, an illegal factory in Saharanpur was caught producing 800 kg of fake tomato sauce, using synthetic red dyes and arrowroot powder instead of real tomatoes. This alarming discovery has brought attention to the widespread issue of food adulteration, particularly in condiments like ketchup.

Common Adulterants in Tomato Sauce:

Manufacturers may resort to harmful practices to cut costs, using synthetic colors, starches, and preservatives that mimic the appearance and texture of real tomato ketchup. Some of the most common adulterants include:

  • Formalin: Used to preserve tomatoes, this chemical can cause inflammation of vital organs like the liver and pancreas.
  • Synthetic Dyes: These dyes give the sauce its red color but can be harmful when consumed in large quantities.
  • Arrowroot Powder: A cheap thickening agent, often used to mimic the consistency of real ketchup, extending shelf life without real tomatoes.

How to Detect Adulterated Ketchup:

To ensure that your ketchup is pure and free from harmful chemicals, here are some simple home tests:

  • The Water Test: Take a spoonful of ketchup and add it to a glass of water. If it dissolves quickly and leaves a red color, it’s made with synthetic dyes. Authentic ketchup should float and not change the water’s color.
  • The Iodine Test: Add a few drops of iodine to the ketchup and mix. If the mixture turns blue, it indicates the presence of starches like arrowroot, a sign of adulteration.
  • The Color Test: Genuine tomato ketchup has a consistent red color. Dark spots could indicate the presence of mold, suggesting the product is unsafe for consumption.

Adulterated food products not only pose health risks but also take away from the enjoyment of our favorite meals. By being vigilant and performing these easy home tests, you can protect yourself from consuming unsafe products and ensure your meals are as delicious and healthy as they should be.

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