Mock Test 1

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Q. According to FSSA _______________ in relation to any article of food, means a process consisting of three components, i.e., risk assessment, risk management and risk communication

Q. ISO stands for_______

Q. What is the objective of ISO 22000

Q. Foaming nature of protein is

Q. Spreading bacteria to clean food from contaminated work surfaces, hands, utensils or food is called

Q. Full Form of FSSAI

Q. Enzymes responsible for browning are destroyed by freezing

Q. ____________of fruits and vegetable consist of drying the food to about 50% of its original weight and volume and then freezing the food to preserve food

Q. FAO/WHO committee dealing with Food additive

Q. ________ a collection of standards, guidelines and codes of practice adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Q. Ethylene and propylene oxide are used in

Q. Choose the true statement

Q. The full form of IUU fishing is

Q. Cholesterol free product should containing less than ____________ mg of cholesterol per serving

Q. Which of the following ingredients will change the PH level of a food product

Q. Which of these is a class I recall

Q. HACCP has defined CCP as:

Q. Calcium stearate is used as an

Q. Formula for KMS

Q. Which is the sweetest known substance

Q. Fruit pieces before processing are dipped into sugar syrup

Q. Which of the following is false

Q. NABL stands for

Q. Which of the following is used as bread improver

Q. BIS has their own laboratory for checking quality of product at_____________

Q. The prevention of food adulteration act established on ____________

Q. ISO stands for_______

Q. Which method/s of food preservation are used in making jam

Q. The fat content of the standardized milk should not less than ________ percent and SNF _______ %

Q. Causes of hand dermatitis

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