Food technologist – Soulfuel

About Soulfuel

Conceptualized by medical experts and nutritionists, Soulfuel brings clarity, simplicity, and transparency to nutrition supplements. Our products touch every aspect of healthy living through science-backed formulation and genuine care.

Along with products, Soulfuel is an all-around experience designed to provide a customized approach with a multidisciplinary care team that includes medical experts, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and many more. These include a host of ancillary services like GI diagnostic services, Nutrition, Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy, and a dedicated Fitness center.

Healthy living is an ongoing inside-out process. The “Inward” positivity and right mental attitude assist you in making conscious and sustainable choices that ultimately reflect “Outward” in a fit and healthy body. At Soulfuel, our philosophy is to support this journey of inward and outward growth in our own little way.

Company Name:- Soulfuel India

  • Location:- Worli, Mumbai
  • Post – Food technologist
  • Experience:- 8-10 years
  • At Soulfuel we are looking out to hire someone moderatly senior level who would have experience and expertise in regulatory, Fssai licenses, supply chain vendor management and procurement.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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