Food science & Food technology Jobs opening at IIT Delhi

This refers to the advertisement released for the post of Principal Project Scientist (Food science & food technology ) under the sponsored research project entitled “lnnovation Hub for Rice Fortification ” (RP04446G) in operation under Prof. Jatindra Kumar Sahu, Centre for Rural Development and Technology of this lnstitute.

About us

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is one of the 23 IITs created to be Centres of Excellence for training, research and development in science, engineering and technology in India.

Established as College of Engineering in 1961, the Institute was later declared as an Institution of National Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 1963” and was renamed as “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. It was then accorded the status of a Deemed University with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees.

Since its inception, over 48000 have graduated from IIT Delhi in various disciplines including Engineering, Physical Sciences, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. Of these, nearly 5070 received Ph.D. degrees. The number of students who graduated with B.Tech. degree is over 15738. The rest obtained Master’s Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Business Administration. These alumni today work as scientists, technologists, business managers and entrepreneurs. There are several alumni who have moved away from their original disciplines and have taken to administrative services, active politics or are with NGOs. In doing so, they have contributed significantly to building of this nation, and to industrialization around the world.

  • Title of the Proiect – lnnovation Hub for Rice Fortification (RP04446F)
  • Funding Agency – Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Name of the Project Investiqator Prof. Jatindra Kumar Sahu
  • Dept – Centre Centre for rural Development & Technology (CRDT)
  • Duration of the Proiect Upto:30/1112026

1. Project Coordinator

  • Post – Project Coordinator
  • Pay slab – RS 1,73,000 per Month
  • Qualifications – Ph.D. degree in Public Health/ Public Policy/ Food Process Engineering/ Food Science & food Technology/ Agricultural Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Nutrition with a minimum 10 years teaching/ research/ lndustrial experience after Ph.D. OR An outstanding Scientist/ Engineer/ Technologist with 1st class Master’s degree in the above fields/ MBA having a minimum of 15 years of teaching/ research/ industrial experience rn relevant fleld or managing state and/or national level projects rn health/ nutntton/ food technology with experience of government and instilution engagement.

2. Principal Project Scientist

  • Post – Principal Project Scientist
  • Pay slab – 55000 – 88000 per month
  • Qualifications – PhD with 1st class or equivalent at the preceding degree in appropriate discipline with two years’ experience OR M. Tech. 1st class or equivalent with 6 years’ experience

3. Research Associate

  • Post – Research Associate
  • Pay slab – 49000+ HRA @24% per month
  • Qualifications – PhD degree in Food Process Engineering/ Food Science & Food technology/ Chemical Engineering/ Biochemical Engineering/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry OR M E./ M.Tech / M.Sc degree in Food Processing Engineering/Food Science & Technology/ Chemical Engineering/Biochemical Engineering/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry having 3 years of research/ teaching/ industrial experience with at least one research paper in Science Citation (SCl) Journal

4. Project Manager

  • Post – Project Manager (1)
  • Pay slab – 51000 per month
  • Qualifications –
  • A post graduate degree and (ii) minimum 8 years work experience in an lnstitute/estate OR (i) A Graduate Degree and (ii) minimum 12 years relevant work experience in an lnstitute/estate Desirable: (i) An MBA or equivalent, (ii) Experience of computer system for information processing and retrieval.

5. Project Attendant

  • Post – Project Attendant
  • Pay Slab – 19000 – 28900 per month
  • Qualifications – Experience working independently tn the field of Food professional sectors at least for 5 years

The candidates who are interested to apply for the above post should download Form No. IRD/REC-4 from the IRD Website (http.// in/rec) of llT Delhi and submit the duly filled form with complete information regarding
educational qualifications indicating percentage of marks/division, details of work experience etc. by e-mail with advertisement No. on the subject line to Prof. Jatindra Kumar Sahu at email id:,in OR by post toProf. Jatindra Kumar Sahu, Biok No.-lll, Room No. 382, Centre for Rural Development & Technology, llT Delhi’ Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 1 10016.

The advertisement No. (Advertisement No.: llTD/lRD/101/2023) & post applied for must be mentioned on the left side of the application,

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