Opening at Nuflower

Nuflower Foods and Nutrition is the leading lipid-based nutrient manufacturer in India. We aim to, in the most convenient and affordable manner possible, provide healthy food and nutritional alternatives for the malnourished and those afflicted by structural health & lifestyle ailments. We accomplish this by manufacturing nutritional solutions.

We are the preferred partner of some of the biggest international public health organisations, for the manufacturing of Ready-to-Eat, Lipid-based Nutritional Supplements (LNS) and therapeutic foods to tackle acute malnutrition in children.

Currently, we have expanded our product portfolio to manufacture nut & chocolate-based spreads that are high in nutritional value and cater to quality-conscious brands and clients from the world over.

We have a UNICEF Supply Division GMP-accredited manufacturing facility in Manesar, near Gurugram (India). We are assisting private and public health programmes with nutritional requirements in India and abroad.

Our appeal is to the best organisations in the world, therefore we demand world-class quality standards in manufacturing. Moreover, in our outreach to partners who care about malnutrition and other lifestyle ailments, we expect deep knowledge and ingrained ethics.

We are looking for passionate individuals who care about the causes, effects and changes. Given the nature of our work, we look for committed individuals with a background in public health or pharmaceutical, functional foods & nutrition manufacturing.

QA executive

  • Experience – Fresher
  • Qualifications – Bachelors degree in food tech, biotech, microbiology

Sr. QA executive

  • Experience – 2 -3 years
  • Qualifications – Bachelors degree in food tech, biotech, microbiology

Production executive

  • Experience – 3 to 7 years
  • Qualifications – Bachelors degree in food tech, biotech, microbiology

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 WhatsApp Groups
🖥 Food Safety Training programs
📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)


  • Aayushi Gupta
    October 8, 2023

    I am a fresher, I don’t have prior experience but have knowledge in this field. Can I apply for this?

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