Coca-Cola bottler SLMG Beverages sets up new plant in Amethi


To invest ₹700 crore in the facility, India is the fifth largest market for Coca-Cola globally

Coca-Cola bottler SLMG Beverages has opened a new facility at Amethi, Uttar Pradesh. The company said it plans to invest ₹700 crore in this facility.

“The Trishundi bottling plant is poised to play a pivotal role in meeting the growing demand for Coca-Cola products, in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. It is a fully automated bottling plant with six lines including a line that produces ASSP (Affordable Small Sparkling Pack) which has been specifically introduced for India,” the bottler said in a statement.

N Ladhani, Chairman and Managing Director of SLMG Beverages, said “When Coca-Cola re-entered the Indian market 30 years ago, we produced the first Coca-Cola bottle in India and are proud to continue the Coca-Cola company’s legacy and widen our reach to consumers across the region.”

SLMG Beverages currently has seven plants spread across Uttar Pradesh and it bottles more than 4 crore bottles per day.

Sundeep Bajoria, Vice President, India Franchise, Coca-Cola India stated, “The Coca-Cola system continues to believe in the India growth story which is the fifth-largest market for Coca-Cola globally and presents a compelling landscape for the beverage industry. The inauguration of SLMG’s facility in Trishundi exemplifies our commitment towards sustainable, long-term business growth contributing towards the national economy.

The investments being made by SLMG are one of the steps towards laying the groundwork towards our goal of expanding capacities, and our leading portfolio of brands that positions us to win in the marketplace.”

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