Fresher, R&D Trainee – Grupo Bimbo

Grupo Bimbo, the leader and largest baking Company in the world, held its Global Sustainability Summit in Mexico. This meeting was attended by main actors from the Company’s value chain. On this workday, Grupo Bimbo worked in collaboration with its key business partners to tackle current global challenges. They reviewed best practices, evaluated the advancement of their Sustainability Strategy, and devised plans for cooperative initiatives. Their collective objective is to reach shared goals, notably achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Also, Grupo Bimbo stated that 92% of its electricity worldwide already comes from renewable sources such as the sun and wind.

Grupo Bimbo reported that out of the 34 countries where the company has presence, 27 already operate with 100% renewable electricity. Recently, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, South Korea, Guatemala, China (in the Quick Service Restaurants business), Kazakhstan, and Morocco joined the countries that reached this goal. Thus, Grupo Bimbo reaffirms its commitment made in 2018 under the RE100 initiative to achieve an operation using 100% renewable energy by 2025.


We have more than 3.4 million points of sale in the 34 countries where we are present.

We take the best of our markets to new countries, taking advantage of the synergies of our operation and making technology our best ally, with a single objective.

We arrived in this country in 2017 with the acquisition of East Balt Bakeries®, one of the leading companies in the QSR industry. Chess, algebra and trigonometry have their origins in India.

👉Food science and technology Internship

👉UGC Approved – PG Diploma In Food Processing & Safety Standards

Hiring Trainees for 6-8 months. We are looking for enthusiastic dynamic trainees to join our R&D and Packaging team at Grupo Bimbo.

Location- Gurgaon

🚀 What we offer:

  • Meaningful projects that make an impact.
  • Mentorship from industry experts.
  • Collaborative and innovative work environment.

🎓 Whom we’re looking for:

  • Passionate and driven students from a Packaging Background (either BTech in packaging or PGDP in packaging from IIP/SIES) with 0-1 year of experience in the Packaging Industry or Food Technologist with 0-2 years of experience.
  • Joining – immediate
  • Strong communication and teamwork skills.
  • A desire to learn and contribute.

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