NSPAAD introduces mobile app to monitor fish diseases

The National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD) project has launched the ‘Report Fish Disease’ smartphone app to detect and monitor fish diseases throughout the country.

About The Report Fish Disease App

  • The mobile application aims to provide fish farmers with a simple and effective platform for reporting infections on their farms.
  • The Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) is one of the NSPAAD project’s cooperating partners, with ICAR-NBFGR serving as the main institute.


  • Its simple and user-friendly interface makes it accessible to fish producers.
  •  The app provides a simple disease reporting format, allowing farmers to simply report disease outbreaks by providing vital information such as location, species affected, symptoms noticed, and photographs.


  • Geo-tagging technology allows authorities to respond quickly, and recipients receive real-time updates on the status of their reported cases, ensuring transparency and accountability in the disease management process.
  • The app also functions as an information hub, supplying farmers with useful materials on disease prevention, treatment, and best aquaculture practices.
  • Its goal is to provide a comprehensive package for the diagnosis, prevention, control, and treatment of aquatic animal diseases, thereby encouraging aquaculture farmers.
  • It is projected to revolutionize disease management in aquaculture, ultimately improving the sector’s sustainability and productivity through early disease identification, data-driven decision-making, capacity building, and efficient resource allocation.
  • It promises to improve fish farmers’ livelihoods, protect the nation’s food security, and contribute to the aquaculture industry’s long-term growth.

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