Operations Head – Food Plant Operations, The Akshaya Patra Foundation

The Akshaya Patra Foundation

About Us

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an independent charitable trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1882 (Reg. No. 154). We endeavour to implement the Government of India’s PM POSHAN Initiative (formerly the Mid-Day Meal Scheme) to solve at scale the overarching societal issues of classroom hunger and malnutrition in the country.

It is our firm belief that investing in child nutrition and education is one of the most effective entry points for human development. Driven by this belief, we strive to provide children with a hot, nutritious and tasty mid-day meal every school day as an incentive to come to school. Thus, the vision – ‘No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.’

Since the year 2000, we have endeavoured to reach out to children with wholesome mid-day meals every school day by leveraging technology and effectively harnessing the potential of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. By establishing an extensive network of kitchens and partnering with the Government of India, state governments, UT administrations, corporate houses and philanthropists, we have created a system to address a social cause on a massive scale. Our efforts are in direct alignment with two critical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 2 – Zero Hunger and SDG 4 – Quality Education.

Currently, we serve over 2.1 million children studying in 24,082 government and government-aided schools and Anganwadi centres across 72 locations in 16 states and 2 union territories of India.

We strive to address classroom hunger and malnutrition in India. We want to feed the millions of children in India who lack the means but have the zeal to learn and achieve. One wholesome mid-day meal every day nourishes them and motivates them to pursue education and consequently, a better future. In essence, we support the health and education of children at the grass-root level of society through the assurance of a nutritious mid-day meal.

Exciting Opportunity in Mumbai! Operations Head – Food Plant Operations
Are you passionate about leading dynamic teams in the food industry? We’re looking for a skilled Operations Head to join our team in Mumbai!

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Graduate or Post Graduate in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering / Food Science / Food Technology
  • Minimum of 15+ years of experience in Plant Operations in the Food Manufacturing, Processing, or Production industry
  • Expertise in Operations, Safety, and Quality Assurance


  • Ensure product quality through process control analysis 📊
  • Manage manufacturing operations, budgeting, and target setting
  • Identify and address capacity limitations and production problems
  • Implement strategies for productivity enhancement and cost savings

Production, Planning, and Control:

Oversee production operations and SOP implementation
Optimize resource planning for maximum productivity
Set and achieve production targets efficiently

Distribution and Logistics:

  • Coordinate logistics between production and distribution departments
  • Maintain quality standards during transportation
  • Conduct regular meetings and trainings for staff development


  • Optimize man and machine utilization for target achievement
  • Implement cost-saving strategies and productivity enhancements
  • Ensure compliance with safety standards and audits

Construction Management:

  • Oversee kitchen construction projects from start to finish
  • Prepare and execute project delivery schedules

Join us in making a difference in the food industry! Apply now and be part of our innovative team!

👉 Join Online Classes for FSSAI technical office, Food analyst and Food safety officer exam preparation

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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