The National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) was conceptualized by the Government of India on the persistent the demand of the food industry to have an apex body as a “One Stop Solution Provider” for the various problems of the sector. Ministry of Food Process- ing Industries, Government of India has set up this institute with an initial investment of Rs. 500 crores (US 100 million).
The institute is spread over an area of 100 acres. The institute intends to act as a center of excellence and an apex world-class center of global standards in the area of food technology and management. It will cater to the needs of various stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, industries, exporters, policymakers, govern- ment, and existing institutions. NIFTEM being an apex institution under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has developed strong linkages with industries.
NIFTEM aims to be a world-class apex institute and a pioneer in creating a center for integrated research, education, enterprise incubation, and outreach in the area of food science and technology. NIFTEM believes that the success of an institution hinges primarily on its ability to nurture talent and unlock the potential of people. NIFTEM considers academic and non-academic staff as partners in our collaborative endeavor to realize the institute’s vision.
We believe that an institute is as good as its people. To ensure our people are the repository of the best talent, we create opportunities for continuous learning and self-development through training on various latest cutting-edge skills in the food science and technology domain. At NIFTEM, simply stating that people are our biggest asset is not adequate – we believe they are the drivers of our growth and the real reason for our success.
The power of this capital is reflected in everything we do, whether it is improving process efficiencies, initiating new ideas for sustainable growth, or improving stakeholder value. Our team comprises experienced, highly motivated, and skilled personnel from various disciplines and diverse backgrounds that blend into a common work ethos that fosters excellence and continuous growth.This culture is backed up and reinforced by our people’s policies and practices which are forward-looking and align with our vision and values framework. This is what NIFTEM family members have to say about their organization: “A platform that has given a smile on employees’ faces and dreams in their eyes; a platform where their individual goals are coherent with the vision of NIFTEM.”
NIFTEM, Kundli has openings for faculty positions for Indian Nationals at the level of Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor in area of specialization as indicated below. Applicants with good Academic Record, Teaching and or Research Experience and or working in related areas are encouraged to apply.
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR [06 Posts – Backlog (SC: 02, OBC: 03, ST: 01)]
Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 (₹ 57,700/–₹1,82,400/-) as per 7th CPC
Essential Qualifications:
PhD with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree (both PhD and preceding Master’s degree should be in the field/areas as mentioned in the table below), and a good academic record.
Age Limit: 40 years as on the last date of the advertisement. Age relaxation shall be considered as per Government of India rules.
Applicants are required to apply as per the details of the essential qualifications and experience mentioned below:

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ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR [06 Posts (UR: 04, SC: 02 (01 Backlog))]
Pay Scale: (Academic Pay Level-13A) ₹ 1,31,100/– ₹2,17,100/- as per 7th CPC
Essential Qualification:
PhD with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree (both PhD and preceding Master’s degree should be in the field/areas as mentioned in the table below), and a good academic record.
Essential Experience:
A minimum of 8 years teaching/ research/ industrial/ professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor Grade I (Academic Pay Level-12 (₹79800- 211500) as per 7th CPC, pre-revised PB-3 ₹15600-39100 in Grade Pay: ₹6000) or equivalent*
in recognized Indian or foreign institutions/industry, Autonomous Organizations.
The candidate should have demonstrated research ability with an excellent record of publications in reputed peer reviewed journals and guidance of M. Tech / MBA and PhD student(s) (at least guided one PhD student).
It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and/or contributed to extension/industrial/ administrative work of the Institute/ Industry. Teaching and M.Tech/ MBA/ PhD guidance requirements may be relaxed for candidates from research labs or industry if they have an exceptional research record or Industrial/ Business Management, record matching with their field of specialization. In such cases, higher allocation of marks can be allocated by selection
committee for interview purpose.
Applicants should have demonstrated abilities in developing new academic programmes/industrial consultancy programmes in the respective domain areas.
*In case of candidates from PSUs/ Private Sector/ other Autonomous bodies which do not follow the Pay commission recommendations, gross salary or Cost to Company (CTC) should not be less than ₹1,68,500/- per month (₹20.22 Lakhs per annum) as on the last date of submission of
the applications and the total experience should not be less than that mentioned under essential experience.
Relevant degree as mentioned in case of PhD in Essential Qualification and Desirable qualification and experience are indicated below:

i. The shortlisting of the applicants shall be based on Academic score as specified in ANEEXURE-II and only the shortlisted applicants shall be called for interview.
ii. Fresh appointments beyond the age of 60 years are discouraged except in the case of faculty with exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects. Age relaxation shall be considered as per Government of India rules.
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PROFESSOR [02Posts (UR: 01, SC: 01 (backlog))]
Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 (₹ 1,44,200 – ₹ 2,18,200) as per 7th CPC
Essential Qualification:
PhD with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree (both PhD and preceding Master’s degree should be in the field/areas as mentioned in the table below), and a good academic record.
Essential Experience:
A minimum of 10 years teaching/ research/ industrial/ professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Associate Professor at Academic Pay Level 13A (₹1,31,400-2,17,100) as per 7th CPC, pre-revised PB-4 ₹37,400-67,000 Grade Pay: ₹9,000 or equivalent* in recognized Indian or foreign institutions/industry, Autonomous Organizations.
The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area of specialization in terms of guidance of PhD students (having guided at least 2 PhD students), strong record of publications in reputed journals, patents, laboratory/course development
and/or other recognized relevant professional activities. Teaching and PhD guidance requirements may be relaxed for candidates from research labs or industry if they have an exceptional research record.
Applicants who have shown leadership qualities in creating Centres for Advanced Studies or
Centre of Excellence and in introducing new certificate /diploma courses and creating national and international linkages will be given preference.
*In case of candidates from PSUs/ Private Sector/ other Autonomous bodies which do not follow the Pay commission recommendations, gross salary or Cost to Company (CTC) should not be less than ₹2,68,000/- per month (₹32.16 Lakhs per annum) as on the last date of
submission of the applications and the total experience should not be less than that mentioned under essential experience.
Relevant degree as mentioned in case of PhD in Essential Qualification and Desirable qualification and experience are indicated below

i. The shortlisting of the applicants shall be based on Academic score as specified in ANEEXURE-II and only the shortlisted applicants shall be called for interview.
ii. Fresh appointments beyond the age of 60 years are discouraged except in the case of faculty with exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects. Age relaxation shall be considered as per Government of India rules.
- Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply ONLINE only through our official website. Link for online submission of application is available on our website i.e. The candidate should fill all the details while filling the Online Application Form.
- Application fee (Non-refundable) of ₹ 1000/- for GEN/OBC, ₹ 500/- SC/ST, PwD and Female candidates are not required to pay the application fee. Applications received without prescribed fee are liable to be rejected.
- Before filling-up the online Application Form, the candidates are advised to read General Instructions carefully.
- Fee once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process at the Institute.
- After successful submission of application, candidates can take print-out of application form. Candidates should keep a copy of the application printout and payment details, if any for their records. Printout of application and payment details will not be available after 6 pm on the last date of submission of online application i.e. 31.03.2024.
- Candidates are advised to fill their application form carefully such as Name, Father’s name, Date of Birth, Category, Qualification. It is mandatory to upload all essential documents along with Photo & Signature. After final submission of application form, no change will be allowed. Candidate will be responsible for any mistake in the data filled in application form and no correspondence will be
entertained in this regard. - Applicants must make sure that all the fields in the application are completed without leaving any fields blank and the documents they are uploading are not blur and must be readable.
- Candidate is required to upload his/her recent passport size scanned colour photograph, signature each (max size 50 KB) and also relevant certificates at the specified places in the online application.
- A candidate can apply for multiple positions subject to fulfilling all eligibility criteria for each individual post code. However, candidates need to fill the application form with the requisite application fee separately for each post code.
- Incomplete applications without the essential documents/certificate will be summarily rejected. No correspondence with the candidate will be made in this regard.
- Applications received on e-mail or Fax will not be considered.
- Application received after the due date for any reason will not be considered.
- In case of University/Institutes awarding CGPA/OGPA grades etc, candidates are required to convert the same into percentage based on the formula devised by the University/Institute. In case the conversion formula is not mentioned in transcripts/ marksheets, conversion formula attested by the Registrar of the University/Institute needs to be attached.
- Applicants are NOT required to send Hard Copy of the duly filled Online Application Form. The hard copy of application form along with all required documents must only be brought if and when asked for.
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