Business Development Intern – GreenPod Labs

Nature Inspired Solutions to Minimize Food Waste.
Our fruits and vegetables live longer and stay healthy as we activate its defense mechanism.

The economic loss of food waste costs India $12 Billion.
In spite of India being the 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables, 40% of it is lost before it reaches the consumers.

We use natural plant extracts to activate the inbuilt defense mechanism which slows down the ripening rate and minimizing microbial growth thus, extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.

We are aligned towards United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals of halving the food waste by 2030. We work towards making this a reality.

Hi! GreenPod Labs is looking for a Business Development Intern for Sangli, Maharashtra. This is three months internship.

  • Stipend: ₹10000
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Qualifications – Or M. Sc in Agri Or Food tech.
  • No of openings: 1
  • Job Location: Sangli, Maharashtra,
  • Requirements: Bike is mandatory

👉 Join Online Classes for FSSAI technical office, Food analyst and Food safety officer exam preparation

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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