Chemist – Muktaa Mahila Milk Producer Company Ltd

Muktaa Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited is a duly incorporated producer company under The Companies Act 1956 and applicable provisions of The Companies Act 2013, on 1st August 2017 & started operation from 3rd August 2018 in Sagar district which is a part of Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh. A region where farmers are facing various difficulties in farming with low rainfalls, hot climate, arid lands, poor irrigation facilities and ground water depletion.

Muktaa company has provided an altogether different channel of income by establishing a transparent and advanced milk procurement system in villages and farmers are experiencing better price realization and direct payment to their respective bank account.

100% women farmers are the members in this organization. With entrusted confidence in this organization, participation of women members has been significantly increased. Currently more than 15000 members are associated with the organization and availing various facilities. Muktaa has expanded its operation from Sagar district to Chhatarpur district with a catchment area of 700-800 villages. The company is relentlessly working hard for socio-economic upliftment of women farmers of Bundelkhand.

The company is committed to improve livelihood of Bundelkhand women members by –

  1. Enabling direct milk purchase from members throughout the year and timely payment of 10 days interval.
  2. Monthly meeting with 5-10 women pourer members is conducted in every village as VCG & MRG for continuous understanding of dairy farming and knowledge sharing of various organization’s activities and services.
  3. Women’s proactive participation for decision making in Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  4. Upliftment of women’s status in society by going outside to adjacent town for money withdrawal from bank and purchase of household goods, feeds etc.
  5.  Demonstration and extension services for modern dairy farming with “दुध बढ़ाओ, आय बढ़ाओ कैंप” and Infertility Camp.
  6.  Door-step availability of Artificial Insemination, Cattle Feed, Mineral Mixture, Calcium Supplement, Deworming medicines, highyield multi-cut Fodder Seed, Ration Balancing Program etc.
  7.  Introduction of various equipment like Chaff Cutting Machine, Milking Machine etc.
  8.  Facilitating and strengthening bonding between Banks and members for various banking products and services etc.

We have urgent requirement of Chemist in Muktaa Mahila Milk Producer Company Ltd

Qualification: B.Tech (Dairy Technology) /Diploma in Dairy Technology / (Chemistry)/ (Chemistry) with
0- 3 years working experience

Location: Sagar, MP
Salary: As per industry

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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