Cornitos unveils new packaging featuring mascot corny the chimp.

Step into a world of snacking sophistication with Cornitos – the beloved Made in India snack brand that has just unveiled a captivating packing to its timeless favorite Crusties. This pack comes wrapped in innovative packaging featuring the mascot – Corny the Chimp- redefining the snacking experience. Beyond the familiar taste, this packaging is a visual masterpiece, seamlessly marrying glamour.

This visually striking packaging overhaul vividly displays Cornitos’ unwavering dedication to innovation and functionality. The redesigned packs, reminiscent of Corny’s vibrant and enthusiastic character, are a bold symbol of the brand’s commitment to delivering a visually appealing and top-quality snacking experience. This tasteful upgrade provides an attractive solution for snack enthusiasts, aligning perfectly with Cornitos’ dynamic and exciting approach to snacking.

Manoj Singh, head of Marketing at Cornitos, said, “In our pursuit of excellence, we’re thrilled to unveil the all-new packaging for Cornitos Crusties priced at an enticing INR 10 per pack. We’ve combined innovation, functionality, and glamour, ensuring that each pack is a visual delight for our consumers. As we embrace this new chapter, Corny the Chimp takes center stage, charming snack enthusiasts and adding a playful touch to our packaging that’s hard to resist. We have increased the product quantity and enhanced flavor to meet and exceed our consumers’ expectations. “

Now available at your nearest store, Cornitos Crusties, in their fresh avatar, invites you to indulge in a snack that goes beyond the ordinary. With each bite, savor the delight of responsible snacking and relish the joy of unwrapping a visually enchanting pack. Cheers to a new era of snacking – where taste and creativity take center stage!

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