Croissant Pronunciation Expert – Internship, Britannia Industries Limited 

Britannia Industries Limited is hiring!
💼 Croissant Pronunciation Expert
📌 ₹3 Lakh Stipend (1 Day Internship)
📃 JD – Correct people who pronounce Croissant wrongly in our Bengaluru office (yeah, that’s the only job😊)

Context :
We did a national launch of Croissant last year under the Britannia Treat brand. From thereon, we have heard people calling it by different names but the more frequent ones are – Cruh-saant, Croisaiya, Kroi-saant, Kva-sawng, among others. The problem seems grave. The problem seems deep. The problem seems never-ending!

So we thought let’s get some help – external help. While we continue educating India to pronounce croissant correctly, let’s get everyone in our office to say it right. So we are scouting for an intern who will correct everyone who pronounces Croissant wrongly, And yes, the responsibility is huge so we will pay a handsome stipend of Rs 3,00,000 for this 1 day internship.

1) Fill in the form on WhatsApp (<1 minute) –

2) Comment why you deserve this cool internship on hiring pinned post on Instagram –

The funnier your comment, the better your chances are! 😎💵🥐


🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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