CSIR-CFTRI, McDonald’s India launch nutri-rich multi-millet bun

In a bid to promote healthier eating habits and support sustainable agriculture, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI) has partnered with McDonald’s India (South and West) to launch a new nutri-rich multi-millet bun. This innovative product aims to cater to the rising demand for nutritious and wholesome fast-food options in the country.

The multi-millet bun, developed through an extensive collaboration between CSIR-CFTRI and McDonald’s India, incorporates a blend of locally sourced millets such as ragi (finger millet), bajra (pearl millet), jowar (sorghum), and other coarse grains. The new bun offers an enriched nutritional profile, with high fiber content, essential minerals, and vitamins, along with a lower glycemic index compared to regular buns.

A Step Towards Healthier Choices

Speaking at the launch event in Bengaluru, Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director of CSIR-CFTRI, emphasized the importance of millets in Indian diets. “Millets are a traditional staple and are known for their high nutritional value. They are rich in dietary fiber, protein, iron, calcium, and antioxidants. Our collaboration with McDonald’s India is a step towards making these benefits accessible to a broader audience, especially the younger generation who are more inclined towards fast food,” she said.

McDonald’s India echoed this sentiment, highlighting their commitment to introducing healthier menu options. Rajeev Ranjan, Managing Director of McDonald’s India (West and South), expressed his enthusiasm about the new product. “We are thrilled to partner with CSIR-CFTRI to bring the multi-millet bun to our customers. This initiative aligns with our goal to offer more wholesome choices and promote sustainable eating habits while continuing to deliver the delicious taste that McDonald’s is known for,” he stated.

Promoting Sustainability and Local Sourcing

The introduction of the multi-millet bun is also a part of McDonald’s India’s larger strategy to support local farmers and promote sustainable agriculture. The millets used in the buns are sourced from Indian farmers, providing them with an expanded market for their produce and encouraging the cultivation of these climate-resilient crops.

Millets are known for their low water requirement, resistance to pests, and adaptability to various climatic conditions, making them a sustainable choice in the face of global food security challenges. By incorporating these grains into their menu, McDonald’s India is taking a significant step toward supporting sustainable food systems and reducing their environmental footprint.

Available Nationwide

The nutri-rich multi-millet bun is set to be available across McDonald’s outlets in the South and West regions of India. It will be featured in various burger options, giving customers the flexibility to choose a healthier alternative without compromising on taste.

Nutritionists and health experts have welcomed this initiative, stating that it aligns well with the growing consumer preference for healthier food choices and the government’s push towards promoting the consumption of millets under its National Year of Millets campaign.

As McDonald’s India continues to innovate and adapt to the evolving tastes and preferences of its customers, the launch of the multi-millet bun marks a positive step towards integrating traditional, nutritious ingredients into modern fast-food culture.

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