Dabur to Set Up New Manufacturing Facility in South India

The Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited today approved an investment of Rs 135 Crore for setting up a new manufacturing facility in South India. This new unit would manufacture a range of Dabur’s Ayurvedic Healthcare, Personal care and Home Care products like Dabur Honey, Dabur Red Paste and Odonil air fresheners.

“Our business has scaled up in South India and today accounts for around 18-20 per cent of Dabur’s domestic business. With South India’s contribution increasing, we have decided to establish a new manufacturing facility there to better cater to the local demand. The Board today approved an investment of Rs 135 crore for establishing this greenfield facility. This is not only an opportunity to bring more jobs to the region, but also allows us to further expand our manufacturing capabilities and meet the growing need for Dabur products in South India,” Dabur India Limited Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mohit Malhotra said.

This project will mark Dabur’s first investment in South India and will add to its existing network of 13 domestic manufacturing locations.

As part of Dabur’s strong commitment to ‘Green Enterprise’ principles, the new facility will incorporate energy conservation in its design and operation. Special focus is also being given to the Environment with the company planning to construct an energy efficient building besides deploying state-of-the-art technology for effluent treatment.

About Dabur India Ltd

Dabur India Limited is one of India’s leading FMCG Companies. Building on a legacy of quality and experience for 139 years, Dabur is today India’s most trusted name and one of the world’s largest Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care Company. Dabur India’s FMCG portfolio today includes eight distinct Power Brands: Dabur Chyawanprash, Dabur Honey, Dabur Honitus, Dabur PudinHara and Dabur Lal Tail in the Healthcare space; Dabur Amla and Dabur Red Paste in the Personal care category; and Réal in the Foods & Beverages category.


  • Kharwade Munjaji Balasaheb
    February 5, 2024

    Food Processing and Engineering

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