Ensuring Quality of Non-Carbonated Water Base Beverage with FSSAI Compliance


Food Safety and Standards Authority of India(FSSAI) has come forward with enforcement  in connection with adherence to the criteria for Non-Carbonated Water Based Drink (Non-intoxicating) under Food Safety and Standards (Food Item Criteria and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011.

Significance is given to Sub Regulation 2.10.6 (3) of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulation of 2011 which details the standards for ‘Non-Carbonated Water Based Beverage (Non-alcoholic).

FSSAI had revised Regulations 2.10.6 (3) under the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011 via Gazette Notification number F. No. 1-116/Scientific Committee /Notif.28.4/2010-FSSAI(l) on 26th July 2021 with relevant modified stipulation as follows: Non-carbonated Water Based Beverages (Non-Alcoholic) means beverages containing water conforming to the standards prescribed for packaged drinking water or mineral water under these regulations without added carbon dioxide and shall contain ingredients as specified in sub-clause (i) singly or in combination.

The FBOs were required to comply with the said amendment provisions by Ist February, 2022.

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