EOW Raids Jaishri Gyatri Food Products allegations of selling sub-standard milk products to foreign countries through fake reports

Company accused of exporting sub-standard milk products through fake reports. They had already sealed following complaint of violation of environmental norms. The sealed factory was opened in the presence of tehsildar for the raid.

Economic Offences Wing (EOW) sleuths raided five different outlets of Sehore-based Jaishri Gyatri Food Products in Bhopal and Sehore on Wednesday. The raids were conducted on Wednesday following allegations of selling sub-standard milk products to foreign countries through fake reports. The raid was conducted after search warrant was issued by Sehore court.

The company had already sealed following complaint of violation of environmental norms. The sealed factory was opened in the presence of tehsildar for the raid. The EOW had already obtained reports of products from three laboratories, while reports of two laboratories were pending.

A 30-member team of EOW and police was divided into five teams to raid factory premises in Sehore, owner Kishan Modiís house in Shahpura Bhopal, another house in Baghira Apartment and operating office of the company in Sehore.

SP, EOW, Rajesh Mishra said that a complaint was filed alleging that the company was preparing substandard milk products like paneer, butter, Ghee and others. The complainant had claimed that the company used fake and fabricated report of products to sell them to different countries.

Probe also revealed that the company had obtained health certificate from Export Control Authority in Indore through fake reports.

During the raid, officials seized several tons of sub-standard frozen ghee and paneer meant for export to central Asian countries. Officials also seized large quantity of computer hardware, laptop, mobile phones and pen drives. The officials suspect that the company used to prepare fake report through digital platform.

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