FIR Registered Against Retail Mart, Company In Adulterated Ghee Case, 450 Litre ghee seized

Jaipur: A day after seizures of adulterated ghee of fake brands of Saras and Pro-Vedic, govt-run Saras Dairy on Friday lodged FIRs against D-Mart and Khandelwal and Company for copyright violation.

One FIR each was lodged at Malviya Nagar and Murlipura police station in the city.Food safety teams had seized Saras and Pro-Vedic brands of ghee on Thursday from the Malviya Nagar situated branch of D-Mart store.“As per the information from D-Mart, it was found that 2,700 litre of ghee was still left. We instructed the manager of D-Mart to collect the stock at one place for seizure.

However, D-Mart returned the stock of ghee to its vender through transfer note on Friday. Thus, we are taking acting against D-Mart and have issued notices to the mart,” said Pankaj Ojha, additional commissioner of food and safety department on Friday.

Investigation has also revealed that the firm from which Saras ghee has been purchased by D-Mart is not the authorized distributor of Saras Dairy and boxes of fake ghee have been recovered from there.

“Saras Dairy has also lodged two FIRs for violation of Copyright Act against Khandelwal & Company and D-Mart at Malviya Nagar and Murlipura police stations,” Ojha added. On the information of fake and adulterated ghee, teams have been sent to other places, including Dausa and Niwai, he added.

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