Q. Foaming nature of protein is
- a. maximum at isoelcetric point
- b. maximum at alkaline pH
- c. maximum at acidic pH
- d. maximum at neutral Ph
Answer: a
- A protein has its lowest solubility at its isoelcetric point. If there is a charge at the protein surface, the protein prefers to interact with water, rather than with other protein molecules. This charge makes it more soluble. Without a net charge, protein-protein interactions and precipitation are more likely.
Q. Baking powder is of two principal kinds
- a. Less acidic and more acidic
- b. Slow and fast acting
- c. Neither a nor b
- d. Both a and b
Answer: b
- Double-acting baking powder is most commonly used in baking because it produces two different leavening phases during baking.
Q. Match the following items in Group I and Group II in relation to permitted food additives / preservatives in India
Group I Group II
P. Jelly 1.Calcium propionate
Q. Edible oil 2.Monosodium glutamate
R. Meat flavour enhancer 3.Sodium benzoate
S .Bread 4.Butylatedhydrosylated anisole
- P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-l
- P-5, Q-3, R-2, S-4
- P-l,Q-3, R-4, S-5
- P-2, Q-3, R-l, S-5
Answer: a
- Sodium benzoate inhibits the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, mold, and other microbes in food, thus deterring spoilage. It’s particularly effective in acidic foods ( 6 ). Therefore, it’s commonly used in foods, such as soda, bottled lemon juice, pickles, jelly, salad dressing, soy sauce, and other condiments.
- Butylatedhydrosylated anisole is used in oil as antoxidant
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats.
- Calcium propionate is an organic salt that is used as a food additive. It helps preserve foods, mainly baked goods, by interfering with the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, such as molds, bacteria, and fungi.
Q. Which of the following substances is NOT a Class I preservative in food
- a. Vinegar
- b. Sodium benzoate
- c. Vegetable oils
- d. Citric acid
Answer: b
Class II preservatives or the chemical preservatives such as benzoates, sorbates, nitrites and nitrates of sodium or potassium, sulfites, glutamates, glycerides and the like.
Q. Which of the following is used as bread improver
- Chlorine dioxide
- KBrO
- Chlorine
- All of the above
Answer: b
Potassium bromate, or simply called bromate, is an oxidiser used to strengthen dough and enhance its elasticity.