Food Additives Quiz


Q. Which of the follwing preservative is NOT recommended in food application 

a. Formaldehyde 

b. Sorbic acid 

c. Benzoic acid 

d. None of the above

Answer: a

Ingestion of a small amount of formaldehyde is unlikely to cause any acute effect so it is not used.

Q. Which salt of saccharine is mainly used as sweetener

a. Calcium 

b. Potassium 

c. Magnesium 

d. Sodium

Answer: d

The form used as an artificial sweetener is usually its sodium salt. The calcium salt is also sometimes used, especially by people restricting their dietary sodium intake.

Q. Sucrose esters are 

a. Emulsifiers

 b. Antimicrobial agent 

c. Both a and b 

d. None of the above

Answer: a

Sucrose esters of fatty acids, commonly known as sucrose esters, and sucrose oligo esters are a unique group of emulsifiers. Sucrose esters are obtained by esterifying sucrose with methyl fatty acids.

Q. Dimethyl dicarbonate has got application in preservation of 

a. Bread 

b. Jellies

 c. Oils 

d. Wine

Answer: d

It is primarily used as a beverage preservative, processing aid, or sterilant (INS No. 242), and acts by inhibiting the enzymes acetate kinase and L-glutamic acid decarboxylase.

Q. Which of the following is/ are the desirable characteristics of an antioxidants

 a. Stability under processing conditions 

b. Compatibility with food 

c. Non toxic 

d. all of the above

Answer: d

The main characteristic of a compound or antioxidant system is the prevention or detection of a chain of oxidative propagation, by stabilizing the generated radical, thus helping to reduce oxidative damage in the human body.

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