Food additives Quiz


Q. Which of the following is NOT a reducing sugar

  1. Lactose
  2. Mannose
  3. Maltose
  4. Sucrose

Answer: d)

Sucrose: Sucrose is a non- reducing sugar because of no free aldehyde or ketone adjacent to the CHOH group.

Q. Match of the following:

Answer: (1. – c)   (2.  –  d) (3.  –  e)   (4.  –  a)    (5.  – b)

  • Common artificial sweeteners include:
  • Aspartame.
  • Sucralose.
  • Acesulfame K.
  • Saccharin.
  • Through the process of emulsification, bile acids break down large lipid droplets into smaller ones, increasing the surface area for digestive enzymes. Emulsification is possible due to the amphipathic property of bile salts.
  • Maltase, enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the disaccharide maltose to the simple sugar glucose. The enzyme is found in plants, bacteria, and yeast; in humans and other vertebrates it is thought to be synthesized by cells of the mucous membrane lining the intestinal wall.
  • Only two fatty acids are known to be essential for humans: alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid).
  • Scurvy is the name for a vitamin C deficiency. It can lead to anemia, debility, exhaustion, spontaneous bleeding, pain in the limbs, and especially the legs, swelling in some parts of the body, and sometimes ulceration of the gums and loss of teeth.

Q. Antifoaming agent used in food industry

  1. Dextrin
  2. Peptone
  3. Dimethylsiloxane
  4. Gumarabica

Answer:  c)

Dimethylsiloxane: Dimethylpolysiloxane, also known as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), is a form of silicone used as an antifoaming agent in food with the European food additive number E900. This ingredient is commonly used in frying oil due to its good deforming effectiveness at high temperatures.

Q. Which one of the following is used as a preservative in baking industry

  1. Benzoate
  2. Propionate
  3. Alginate
  4. Citrate

Answer: b)

Propionate: Propionate (propionic acid), a naturally occurring short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), is a potent mold inhibitor that is widely used as a food preservative in cheeses and baked goods, as well as in animal feeds and artificial flavorings.

Q. Which one of the following is firming agent

  1. Sodium alginate
  2. Sodium carbonate
  3. Sodium chloride
  4. Sodium propionate

Answer: a)

Sodium alginate: Sodium Alginate shall be white, yellowish or pale brown fibrous or granular powder. INS No. 401. 

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