Advt. No.- 8/2024-25 Online applications are invited for the posts of Food Inspector / Food Safety Officer, Class-III under Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC) between date: 08/07/2024, 13:00 to date: 22/07/2024, 23:59. Candidates are instructed to visit
Notice Board or the Website of Commission and for all the provisions of the advertisements, General Instructions, the method of online application and payment of fees.
- Tentative date/month of Preliminary Test, Result of Preliminary Test are shown below. There will be No Interviews for this post.
- Name of the Post – Food Inspector / Food Safety Officer, Class-III
- Tentative month of Preliminary test – October / November – 2024
- Total opening – 03
- Age Limit – Not be more than 39 years of age. Age will be Considered as on last date of online application.
- Pay scale of Rs. 39,900-1,26,600/-(Fix Pay:03 YearsRs.49,600/-) Pay Matrix Level-7
- The basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Electrical Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967.
- Adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or Both languages are essential
Education Qualification and Experience
- A bachelor degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Bio Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Science or Bio Chemistry or Microbiology as a principle subject or Master degree in Chemistry or degree in Medicine of any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognized or notified by the Government of India.
- 📲 Food Safety Officer Exam + FSSAI Technical Officer Exam + FSSAI Food analyst Exam preparation online classes
- Have atleast two years experience in the field of food safety under the prevention of Food Adulteration Act,
1954 or Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and Food Safety and Standard Rules, 2011 in Government/Local bodies /Government Undertaking Board/Corporation/Limited Company Established under the companies Act, 2013 on the post which can be considered equivalent to the post not below the rank of Assistant Food Inspector Class-III in the Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation.

Note: –
(1) The candidates possessing disability as shown below can apply for the respective post as shown against it. Person With Disability BA, BL, OA, OL, OAL, SLD, SD, SI.
(2)The candidates selected in the above posts will be considered employees of Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC). They will not be considered employees of the Government of Gujarat.
(3) The candidates belonging to reserved category can apply against the vacancies for Unreserved Category and the criteria will be applicable as per Unreserved Category.
(4) In case of non-availability of women candidate in the respective category (If reserved posts for women are available), the reserved post will be allotted to male candidates belonging to the same category.
(5) The One Time Registration (OTR) module only helps to candidates for filling Online Application speadily, which will not count as an Online Application.
(6) Candidates shall carefully read Advertisement No. and name of post before applying online. Candidate shall confirm the application only after verifying the details filled in the application form.
(7) The online application is “Editable” till the last date & time of advertisement. Hence the candidates have to make only one application in one advertisement. If there are any mistakes in filling up the details / information in the online application, go to the “Edit” option and update the details till the last date & time of Application. Do not make a new application.
(8) Any request or representation to correct any error or omission in the confirmed online application or information filled in by the candidate shall not be accepted, once the online advertisement is closed.
(9) In case of more than one online application made by the candidate, only the latest confirmed application will be considered valid by the Commission. For candidates belonging to unreserved category, the last confirmed application with fees will be considered by the Commission.
(10) Candidates shall keep all the relevant Certificates/Documents ready as it may be required in case of eligibility for application scrutiny. GPSC/R-7 Branch
(11) Candidates are requested not to send physical copy of the application to the Commission as of now. Candidates qualified for application scrutiny only have to upload their required Certificates/Documents online on Commission‟s website within the stipuled time duration as mentioned in the provisional result. Those candidates who send their required Certificates/Documents Physically or By Post to the Commission are automatically ineligible for the further recruitment process.
(12) A Candidate selected by direct recruitment shall be appointed on contract basis for Three years on such terms and conditions as prescribed by the Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation
Application Fees: – Candidates of General (Unreserved) category have to pay Rs. 100/- + applicable postal charges or Rs. 100/- + Service Charges through online mode as Application Fees, while Candidates belonging to reserved categories and Economically Weaker Section of Unreserved category, Ex-Servicemen of Gujarat State and Person with Disability candidates have not to pay application fees. While candidates of reserved
category of other states have to pay application fee.
Last Day – 22/07/2024
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