Food Law & Regulation Quiz – 14

Q. In skim milk fat content is about

  1. 1.5 – 2.8%
  2. 2 – 3.5%
  3. 2.5 – 3%
  4. 0.5 – 2%

Answer: d)

Skim milk: 0.5% – 2%milk fat.

Q. The fat content of the standardized milk should not less than ____________ percent and SNF ___________ %

  • 4.5 and 8.5% resp.
  • 3 and 8.5% resp.
  • 1.5 and 9% resp.
  • 2.5% and 9% resp.

Answer: a)

Its fat content should not be less than 3 percent and S.N.F. 8.5 percent.

Q. BIS has their own laboratory for checking quality of product at_____________

  • Hyderabad
  • Mysore
  • Patna
  • Pune

Answer: c)

Situated at Patna

Q. According to US FDA, irradiation comes under the category of

  • Food preservative
  • Food additive
  • Food processing
  • None of the options

Answer: b)

Irradiation, as defined by the FDA is a “food additive” as opposed to a food process and therefore falls under the food additive regulations.

Q. Cold sterilization is another name of ____________

  • HTST Pasteurization
  • LTLT Pasteurization
  • Food Irradiation
  • Freeze Drying

Answer: c)

Food irradiation is sometimes referred to as “cold pasteurization” or “electronic pasteurization” because ionizing the food does not heat the food to high temperatures during the process, and the effect is similar to heat pasteurization.


  • Baldaniya nayan
    May 22, 2022

    Quiz is so much knowledgeable.

  • Tatheer Fatima
    May 23, 2022


  • Komal Mishra
    June 8, 2022


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