Food Processing & Preservation Quiz


Q. Blue cheese is also called as

  1. Roquefort cheese
  2. Cottage cheese
  3. Camembert cheese
  4. Soft cheese

Answer: a)

The typical appearance of the blue mold cheese varieties (also called blue-veined cheeses or simply blue cheeses) is due to the growth and development of the mold Penicillium roqueforti.

Q. As per FSSAI, minimum SNF content of buffalo milk is

  1. 5%
  2. 7%
  3. 9%
  4. 13%

Answer: c)

Species Identified Milk: Milk Standards for SNF and fat are different for species of sheep, cow, camel, and buffalo. This milk can be subjected to sterilization, pasteurization, boiling, or Ultra High-Temperature Treatment.

SpeciesMilk Fat Percentage (Min.)Minimum SUF Percentage (%)
Cow Milk3.2%8.3%
Camel Milk2%6%
Buffalo Milk6%9%
Sheep Milk and Goat Milk3-3.5% (as per difference in-state)9%

Q. The product remaining after the removal of most of the casein and fat from milk in the process of cheese making.

  1. Whey butter
  2. Whey cheese
  3. Whey
  4. Condensed whey

Answer: c)


Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a by product of the manufacture of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Sweet whey is a by product resulting from the manufacture of rennet types of hard cheese, like cheddar or Swiss cheese.

Q. Which of the following test is used to detect sesame oil in milk

  1. Halphen test
  2. Baudouin test
  3. Kreis test
  4. Polenske value

Answer: b)

BAUDOUIN TEST: Hydrogenated vegetable oil (vanaspati) is a common adulterant in milk fat. Its presence in milk fat can be detected by the fact that sesame oil (minimum 5%) is added in Vanaspati by the law. Thus the presence of this oil in milk fat indicates the presence of vanaspati or sesame oil. To 5 ml melted milk fat in a test tube, add 5 ml conc. HCI and 0.4 ml furfural solution (2% distilled not earlier than 24 hr. in alcohol.) Shake vigorously for 2 minutes and allow the mixture to separate.

The development of red or pink colour in acid layer indicates the presence of sesame oil, which is confirmed by adding 5 ml water and shaking again. If colour in acid layer persists, sesame oil/ vanaspati are present.

Q. Phosphatase test is not applicable for

  1. Pasteurized milk
  2. Sterilized milk
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above

Answer: b)

The alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme normally present in raw milk and it is inactivated in conditions of heat treatment. So the ALP test in pasteurized milk is used to verify if the heating process of pasteurization is done correctly.

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