Food Processing Quiz 45


Q. Compounding step is involved in the processing of 

  1. Asafoetida
  2. dill
  3. caraway
  4. all of the above

Answer: a)


 • Also called Bandhani Hing in India 

• Is a ready-to-use powder 

• Designed in particular for making Indian curries because natural asafoetida is so strong and not appropriate for direct use in cooking, being difficult to grate 

• Is composed of asafoetida mixed with gum arabic and edible starch or edible cereal flour 

• Blending formula varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and is a trade secret.

 • However, the product will generally have 30 % asafoetida. 

• Product is popular particularly in South India. 

Q. Curing step is involved in the processing of

  1. Vanilla
  2. green cardamom
  3. saffron
  4. all of the above

Answer: d)

  • The three most common methods of curing are by air, fire, and flue. A fourth method, sun curing, is practiced with aromatic types and to a limited extent with air-cured types. Curing entails four essential steps: wilting, yellowing, colouring, and drying.

Q. In butter making, the term ‘working’ means

  1. Kneading of butter
  2. pasteurization of cream
  3. salting of butter
  4. addition of color

Answer: a)

Butter, a fat rich dairy product obtained by churning cream and working the granules thus obtained into a compact mass, has been a staple item of diet in many countries of the world.

Up to the middle of the nineteenth century, manufacture of this product was mainly confined to the farm on cottage scales. It was only after the development of centrifugal cream separator in 1879, fat testing methods by Babcock (1890) and Gerber (1892) together with introduction of artificial refrigeration and pasteurization around 1980, the industrial production of butter developed rapidly.

Prior to 1970 most of the world’s butter was manufactured by batch-process. However, since World War-II, continuous processes have been introduced to achieve increased manufacturing efficiencies. Regardless of manufacturing method employed, the essential feature of churning evolves destabilization of cream emulsion by means of mechanical agitation.

Q. Clove contains

  1. Carveol
  2. indole
  3. clovonol
  4. Eugenol

Answer: d)

Clove represents one of the major vegetal sources of phenolic compounds as flavonoids, hidroxibenzoic acids, hidroxicinamic acids and hidroxiphenyl propens. Eugenol is the main bioactive compound of clove, which is found in concentrations ranging from 9 381.70 to 14 650.00 mg per 100 g of fresh plant material. With regard to the phenolic acids, gallic acid is the compound found in higher concentration (783.50 mg/100 g fresh weight).

Q. The most hygienic way of drying hands is by using

  1. A warm air drier
  2. a hand towel
  3. the dish cloth
  4. the lab coat

Answer: a)

The transmission of bacteria is more likely to occur from wet skin than from dry skin; therefore, the proper drying of hands after washing should be an integral part of the hand hygiene process in health care. Hand-drying effectiveness includes the speed of drying, degree of dryness, effective removal of bacteria, and prevention of cross-contamination. This review found little agreement regarding the relative effectiveness of electric air dryers.

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