Food safety officials uncover hygiene violations at Sri Murugan Ghee Stores & Shree Mahalakshmi Kendra dairy stores in Hyderabad

The task force teams of Telangana’s Commissioner of Food Safety conducted inspections at various dairy stores in Koti area of Hyderabad on August 3 and uncovered several hygiene violations.

At Mysore Ghee Stores in Sultan Bazar, the FSSAI License true copy was not displayed. Packed food items like dry fruits, butter, and ghee were found without proper labels, including the FSSAI licence number and use-by dates. Fifty one-kg packets of ghee were seized as labels were missing. The store also lacked Medical Fitness Certificates for food handlers and pest control records, and food handlers were observed without hair caps and gloves, according to a release.

At Sri Murugan Ghee Stores, the teams found that the FSSAI License true copy was not displayed. The storeroom and packing area had broken windows without insect-proof screens. Additionally, the store lacked Medical Fitness Certificates for food handlers and pest control records.

At Shree Mahalakshmi Kendra in Kutbiguda, the FSSAI License copy was not displayed, and the store lacked Medical Fitness Certificates for food handlers and pest control records. Food handlers were found without hair caps and gloves. Samples of Shree Mahalakshmi Brand milk were sent for analysis to check for adulteration.

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