Food Systems Research Intern with Samayu


Trillions of animals suffer and die for their flesh, hide and labour.

We suffer from lifestyle diseases such as obesity due to poor nutrition and starvation due to lack of access to nutritious food.

We battle zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance due to the way we force animals to live.

Farmers and workers who breed and kill these animals suffer low wages, poor working conditions, violent workplaces, exposure to zoonotic diseases and more.

Our planet is facing global warming, biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change because of our food habits and our consumerist culture, all of these against the backdrop of increasing pressures of animal agriculture on our planet.

We continue to face discrimination and systemic oppression based on our race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, economic and social status. Often it is the more vulnerable communities that are heavily impacted by climate change events, pandemics and well intentioned but unfortunately myopic approaches for resolution.

Job description

Food Systems Research Intern with Samayu

We are currently seeking a Food Systems Intern based in Andhra Pradesh to start immediately.

As the Food Systems intern you will work with the Research Team at Samayu and our external Collaborators on the challenges that affect our food systems. You will research information, interact with relevant stakeholders, analyze data, and work towards a system-based solution.


·      Required: Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, self-motivated and attentive to detail.

·      Required: Excellent verbal communication skills in English and the local language.

·      Required: Strong English writing skills.

·      Required: Based in Andhra Pradesh

·      Preferred: Currently enrolled for Bachelors or Masters, or recently graduated

·      Preferred: Working knowledge in food systems and associated policy framework.

Time Commitment

12 months full time

 Work location and timings

Home-based, mostly flexible timings, but required to be available 10 AM to 6PM

Occasional field work will be required.

Monthly stipend provided.

About Samayu

Samayu works towards intersectional justice for people, the planet, and animals. We start with the acute recognition of the importance of tangible, positive outcomes that can be put into practice across strategic domains. We leverage the power of collectives and communities in changing mainstream narratives for creating a just, equitable world for all, including animals.

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