Food Technology Internship at Kohfoods

About us

Making healthy choices mainstream. 

At koh!, we make switching to healthy a no-brainer. Our purpose is to help our consumers make better food choices, without having to compromise. Our flavourful and low effort range of plant based food is fit for consumption through the day. 

We believe in feeding our bodies with nothing unnatural, so we work together with marginal farmers and advise them in residue free cultivation practices. We process all the produce using modern electrical dehydration technology that helps us increase the shelf life of our products hygienically without any addition of preservatives. Our stringent testing process ensures everything that comes to your kitchen is 100% real and nutritious with nothing artificial in it.

We wish to positively impact the way food is grown and consumed. 

Delicious. 100% real. Sourced ethically.  

So you choose health, everyday. 

About the internship

1. Conducting research and analysis: You’ll gather data, perform statistical analysis, and create reports using MS Excel to support our product development and quality assurance processes
2. Assisting in recipe development: Collaborating with our food scientists, you’ll help create and modify recipes, ensuring they meet our high standards for taste, nutrition, and cost-effectiveness
3. Quality control initiatives: You’ll participate in quality control activities, including sensory evaluation, laboratory tests, and data management, to ensure our products consistently meet regulatory and customer expectations
4. Supporting production processes: By utilizing MS Excel, you’ll help optimize production planning, monitor inventory levels, and analyze production data to identify areas for improvement and cost reduction
5. Contributing to food safety measures: You’ll assist in monitoring and implementing food safety protocols, including HACCP plans, to ensure compliance with industry regulations and maintain our commitment to consumer safety
6. Assisting in packaging development: You’ll work closely with our packaging team, using MS Excel to analyze packaging materials, evaluate sustainability factors, and help optimize our product packaging strategies.

  • can start the internship between 15th Oct’23 and 10th Nov’23
  • are available for duration of 3 months
  • Number of openings 2

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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