Freshers, Junior Associate/ Associate for Process and Operations Monitoring – Country Delight

Country Delight was started by Chakradhar Gade and Nitin Kaushal. It promises natural, fresh and unadulterated milk directly to the doorstep of the consumer. Their business model is subscription-based where a consumer orders once and is served on a daily basis. On the mobile application, consumers can set their daily/alternate day milk subscription plans as per their requirement. In addition, the consumer can also mark vacations when going for a holiday and pay milk bills through the app. The mobile app is a scalable way of acquiring consumers and also gives us the ability to cross-sell value-added products such as paneer, curd and ghee. For its sourcing, Country Delight engages directly with the farmer, eliminating all middlemen, pays the farmer a premium for his milk, follows ethical procurement practices, invests in cold chain and quality testing infrastructure at the farmer’s location, and improves the working capital cycle of the farmer by paying him earlier as compared to others.

We are hiring freshers for Junior Associate/ Associate for Process and Operations Monitoring roles.

1) Gurugram-1
2) Mumbai- 3
3) Hyderabad- 3
4) Bangalore- 3

Key Responsibilities:

1) Monitoring of sorting, grading, packaging, handling of Fruits and Vegetables during operation.
2) Ensure the handling during crate preparation to reduce the damage count.
3) Responsibility for Food safety, Process Quality, Hygiene at warehouse.
4) Real time quality monitoring as per the SOPs.
5) Maintained Process KPI (Quality) as per requirement.
6) Coordinate with all internal stakeholders for day-to-day activities.
7) Manage the monitoring, measurement, and review of internal processes, especially those that affect the quality of the products.

Required Qualification and Experience:

1) Fresh graduates or Diploma holders in Food, Agriculture and Horticulture.
2) Good to know FIFO, Operational Excellence, MS Office, Quality & Process Improvements
3) Should be flexible with the timing.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

🥇 Food safety Training & Certification

🖥️ Food Safety Training Level 1
6 Trainings 6 different certificates

Internal auditor training
🖥️ HACCP as per Codex Alimentarius Commission(CAC) Internal auditor training

🖥️ FSSC 22000 V. 6 (Food Safety System Certification) – Internal Auditor training

🖥 Food safety management System ISO22000:2018 Internal auditor training and certification
💼 UGC Approved – PG Diploma In Food Processing & Safety Standards
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