FSSAI Updates on Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Disposal Guidelines

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has announced significant updates to the guidelines on the disposal of Used Cooking Oil (UCO), reflecting a shift in regulatory approach to address enforcement challenges and improve food safety standards.

Key Changes:
  1. Removal of TPC Limit:
    • Previous Regulation: Cooking oil with Total Polar Compounds (TPC) exceeding 25% could not be reused.
    • Current Update: This provision has been removed due to challenges related to the available testing protocols and enforcement procedures.
  2. Withdrawal of Previous Order:
    • The order issued on 20th January 2022, which included the restriction on UCO disposal based on TPC limits, has been officially withdrawn effective immediately.
Why This Matters:

These changes are aimed at streamlining regulatory compliance and ensuring better management of UCO. By updating these regulations, FSSAI intends to facilitate more effective enforcement and compliance within the food industry. The removal of the TPC limit addresses the practical difficulties encountered in testing and enforcement, thereby helping to maintain food safety standards more effectively.

  • For Food Businesses: The updated guidelines simplify the regulatory requirements for UCO disposal, potentially reducing compliance burdens.
  • For Food Safety: Enhanced management of UCO will contribute to maintaining high food safety standards, which is critical for public health.

FSSAI’s decision to update the guidelines reflects its commitment to adaptive and practical regulatory frameworks that support both industry compliance and food safety objectives.

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