FSSC 22000 is a globally recognized certification scheme that audits and certifies the food safety of organizations in the food supply chain. It’s based on the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System standard and is managed by the Foundation FSSC 22000
Topic Covered
- Introduction to Food safety Audit
- Introduction to ISO 19011:2018 (Auditing Management system standard)
- Types and classification of Food safety Audits, Internal Auditor eligibility criteria
- Introduction to Food safety, Overview on Food safety, Food Quality, Food fraud & Food Defense, Food safety Management system
- FSSC 22000 v6.0, History, components, structure, Introduction to GFSI and Overview of ISO 22000 (FSMS). Overview of FSSC 22000 Scheme
- Requirements, Scope, Application, overview of Categories, Summary of key changes.
- Introduction to ISO 22000:2018, PDCA Cycle, FSMS Requirements, Hazard Control Plan (HACCP), Classification of Food Hazards, Sector specific PRP, Requirements, ISO/TS-22002-1
- FSSC 22000 V6.0 Additional Requirements Management of services and purchased materials, Product Labelling, Food Défense, Food Fraud mitigation, Logo use, Management of Allergens, Environmental Monitoring, Food safety & Quality
Culture, Quality Control, Transport ,Storage & Warehousing, Hazard control & measures for
preventing cross contamination, PRP Verification, Product Design & Development, Health Status,
Equipment Management, Food loss & waste, Communication requirements, Requirements for Organizations with Multi-Site Certification. - Auditor Definition, Types & Principles,
- Roles & Responsibilities of Auditors, Auditor skills & Behaviour,
- Conducting Audits, Preparing for Internal Audit, Audit Planning,
- Conducting Internal Audit, Audit Plan, Audit Checklist, Audit Review, Audit Finding, Classification of Non-Conformities, Audit Report.
- Case studies
- Group Activities and exercises
- Query Session
- Assessment
Trainer details
Nivedita Rath
IRCA Certified FSSC 22000 & ISO 22000 Lead Auditor & Trainer, certified Lead Auditor BRC Issue 9, FSSAI 3rd Party Auditor and Hygiene Rating Auditor, Food safety Mitra, Fostac Trainer & Assessor
Training date and time
- Date – 20,21,22,23 & 24 Jan 2025
- Time – 07AM to 10:00 PM
- Training Fee – 3000/ Per candidate
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