Interns – Pellagic Foods Pvt Ltd

Our Company Pellagic Food Ingredients is established in the year 2012, January having its registered office in Bangalore with an aim to supply world class food ingredients with innovative approach to cater the needs of various food manufacturers within India and overseas.

Our Company’s approach to our clients with never ending QUEST of giving total solutions by means of providing Quality products being sourced with an Unprecedented reach to our sourcing abilities you can rely on and the confidence of dealing with a company that stands solidity behind the product it deals with while giving Efficient service through a strong Supply Chain with the aid of adequate Technical solutions with the help of knowledge we have and from our expertise, who are available all the time from around the world.

We are looking for interns freshers or with 1-2 years of experience to work with us in the following Roles –


Qualifications – BSc, Msc, Btech, Mtech in Food processing and food technology

The openings are for our Hyderabad Plant and Bangalore R&D office.

🏅 Food safety training & certification  programs

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 WhatsApp Groups
📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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