Internship – Apsara Ice Creams LLP

Apsara Ice Creams started it’s journey at the prime location of Walkeshwar in South Mumbai in 1971. It is still the flagship store of the brand.

For several years, the focus was on selling mainly at this store and catering to a lot of B2B sales such as weddings, events, etc. It was in 2014 when the 2nd generation entered the business and elevated it to new heights by commencing four new stores in Mumbai’s prime locations such as Powai, Andheri, Lokhandwala and King Circle and later shifting the focus to franchise-based model. Products were instant hit and Apsara Ice Creams became popular among customers through word of mouth and Brand started getting franchise enquiries.

In 2015 the brand opened its first franchise outlet in Nerul after which there was no looking back. By 2017 there were 25 outlets in 3 cities. Based on the growing demand, a 10,000 sq. ft. state of the art factory was setup in Thane from where ice creams are centrally manufactured and distributed. The brand reached a significant milestone when it opened its 100th outlet in 2020. Apsara Ice Creams today has come a long way with an amazing range of 50+ flavours & 125+ Outlets. Apsara Ice Creams completes its 50th anniversary on 22nd August 2021.

  • Company: Apsara Ice Creams LLP
  • Location: Thane
  • Experience: Freshers, Food tech/ Dairy tech background
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Candidates must have food education background.
  • Stipend: As per Industry standards, Certificate will be provided.
  • Candidates from Mumbai/Navi Mumbai Region will be preferred.

Mention: “Internship” in subject of mail.

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