FSSAI inspects food hygiene at 200 bus stands, 22% of pani puri samples fail to meet quality standards : Karnataka

In a bid to maintain high food quality standards and adherence to protocols, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) conducted intensive inspection at more than 200 bus stands across the state, targeting over 700 shops, to identify those selling products past their expiry date or without FSSAI licensing, which regulates consumption quality standards.

A senior FSSAI official told TNIE that during inspection, they found an outlet at Malur bus stand in Kolar district selling only expired items, including chips, soft drinks, juices, snacks, and biscuits. The shop has now been temporarily shut by the department.The official said that in May, several complaints indicated that the quality of food items sold at bus stands, particularly those at the town and district levels, was compromised and not safe for consumption.

The cases were highlighted by a few people who had taken to social media to report about the quality of food sold at bus stands. As a response, the first phase of inspections were conducted, aiming to penalise sellers in accordance with the Food Safety Act, 2006.

“The outlets will undergo reinspection. This is to serve a warning to ensure that nothing which compromises with people’s health is sold,” the official mentioned.

Pani puri samples

The Karnataka FSSAI may soon take decisive action regarding the sale of pani puri, after testing 260 samples statewide. Of the total samples collected, about 41 were found to be unsafe due to the presence of artificial colouring and carcinogens, while 18 samples were said to be of poor quality.

The report analysis showed that several sellers had been mixing chemicals and artificial colouring like brilliant blue – a blue colourant for processed foods, sunset yellow – an orange dye, and tartrazine – a synthetic yellow dye.

Food safety officials said they are currently analysing the situation to decide on measures against violators and ways to enforce food safety standards.

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