Karnataka government bans Rhodamine-B food colour used in gobi manchurian & Cotton candy.

The Karnataka government has issued orders to ban the use of Rhodamine-B food-colouring agent in cotton candy and ‘Gobi Manchurian’ and threatened severe action if anyone is found using the substance.

The Karnataka Health Department on Monday banned the use of Rhodamine-B food-colouring agent in cotton candy and ‘Gobi Manchurian’ and issued orders in this regard. Further, the state government has threatened action against anyone found using the colouring agent. Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao said, “If anyone is found using Rhodamine-B food colouring agent, then severe action will be taken against them under the Food Safety Act.”

The new action comes after Tamil Nadu and Puducherry last month banned the sale and production of cotton candy after the use of the chemical was found in it. The chemical has been found to be harmful to health. Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian said the presence of the toxic chemical was found in the samples of cotton candy sent for testing by the food safety department.

According to the findings from the food safety and quality department, samples of ‘Gobi Manchurian’ and ‘Cotton Candy’ sold across the state underwent thorough analysis in laboratories.

Following the result of the analysis, the Food Safety Commissioner has ordered a prohibition on the use of artificial colours in the preparation of ‘Gobi Manchurian’.

Concerning ‘Cotton Candy’, the Commissioner has enforced restrictions on the usage of artificial colours beyond the prescribed limits and the utilisation of chemicals such as ‘Rhodamine B’ and other unauthorised artificial colours.

Violation of the Food Safety and Standards Act – 2006 rule 59 could prompt the department to initiate legal proceedings, potentially leading to imprisonment ranging from seven years to a life term and fines up to Rs 10 lakh, officials have indicated.

Moreover, the directive emphasised that the prolonged intake of artificial colours in food could escalate the risk of severe ailments like cancer. Hence, the public has been strongly urged to refrain from incorporating artificial colours in food or to utilise them.

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