Nescafé partners with chocolate brands Aero and Quality Street

The Aero Peppermint Mocha and Quality Street Green Triangle Mocha will join the much-loved Aero Golden Honeycomb Mocha as part of the expansion of the Nescafé collaborations range

Nescafé has teamed up with two iconic and loved chocolate brands, the bubbly Aero Peppermint and the smooth hazelnut of the Quality Street Green Triangle to bring new limited edition frothy coffees.

The Aero Peppermint Mocha and Quality Street Green Triangle Mocha will join the much-loved Aero Golden Honeycomb Mocha as part of the expansion of the Nescafé collaborations range. A delicious treat for your next coffee break!

Both coffees use fresh milk, drinking chocolate and luxurious notes of either peppermint or hazelnut to create the perfectly crafted frothy coffee.

Both contain 78 calories per mug, are low in fat when prepared, suitable for vegetarians and contain no artificial flavours. They are also compliant with the High fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) regulations meaning they can displayed anywhere in stores.

The mochas come in sachets making them quick and easy to use by adding hot water – great for a break time treat.

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