Nestlé Health Science launches ‘Resource Fiber Choice’ to improve gut health

Nestlé India has launched Resource Fiber Choice, a unique and effective gut health solution. It contains PHGG (Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum), a prebiotic dietary fibre that is proven to help relieve constipation and improve gut health.

PHGG is derived from naturally sourced guar gum beans (gwarfali) and is gentle on the body, thus making it a safer gut health solution. Not only this, the innovative solution from the company is rich in Immuno-Nutrients, providing 30% daily allowance of Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin A, C and D that strengthens the normal immune system.

It is estimated that 1 out of every 4 individuals in urban India suffer from gut related issues. The key factors causing the condition include inadequate fiber intake, irregular eating habits, low water intake, stress, consumption of fatty and oily food amongst others. The PHGG content is plant derived, making it suitable for consumption for gut health maintenance without the fear of habit formation.

It offers superior sensorial parameters compared to existing solutions for constipation. The product is neutral smelling, neutral tasting and is versatile. It can be used with water, any beverage and even food, without altering taste and smell, thus setting the product apart from other products available in the market.

Mansi Khanna, head, Nestlé India Health Science, said, “As a global leader in the science of nutrition, we fill nutrition gaps and provide innovative products for a healthier future. Consumers today are looking for products that solves constipation and improves overall gut health. While there is a plethora of products in the market, Resource Fiber Choice addresses a need gap of effective and gentle solution. It is rich in immunonutrients and is palatable unlike majority of the products in the market. It can be used with water or any food and beverage e.g. milk, juices, curd without changing the taste or texture. With this launch we are furthering our commitment to empower healthier lives.”

The company is a global leader in the space of nutritional science. It focuses on advancing the therapeutic role of nutrition to change the course of health management for consumers, patients, doctors, nurses and its partners in healthcare. The key products include- Resource High Protein, Optifast and Resource Diabetic, Peptamen, Thicken up clear, Resource Renal and Resource Dialysis. Nestlé Health Science also has a dedicated team of clinical experts who engage with healthcare professionals across India for awareness and education.

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  • Gudla.Mamatha
    May 17, 2023

    Iam mamatha.i completed my btech food technology

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