Nestlé India enters into millets-based Ready-to-Make category

Nestle India is expanding its focus on millet-based products. It has already launched products such as Ceregrow grain selection with ragi, Milo Cocoa Malt with bajra and Koko Krunch millet-jowar breakfast cereals.

FMCG maker Nestle India has entered into the millets-based Ready-to-Make (RTM) market by extending its nutrition brand a+ in the category.

The company has introduced a+ masala millets containing bajra in the select market of NCR and online but has plans to expand it to other markets as it scales up, its Chairman and Managing Director Suresh Narayanan said on Thursday.

The product has been developed under the guidance of the Indian Millet Institute of Millet Research, supporting the government initiative to promote millet as a more sustainable food option.

“We felt that ‘a+’ has strong nutritional connotations and that is why we decided to launch the new product under this brand. This is being done under a public-private partnership with IIMR and is in line with the government’s focus on millets. There is growing health consciousness among Gen Z and millennials and we believe this can be a mass-market product,” Narayanan said in a media round table here.

Under a+, Nestle India is currently offering greek yoghurt, Nourish Milk, mishti doi with jaggery, curd, etc.

Nestle India is expanding its focus on millet-based products. It has already launched products such as Ceregrow grain selection with ragi, Milo Cocoa Malt with bajra and Koko Krunch millet-jowar breakfast cereals.

It has now launched Nestlé a+ Masala Millet in two variants which are being piloted in Delhi-NCR and will be offered across other regions in the coming months.

Besides, Nestle also has plans to launch more millet-based products in different formats, including under Maggi noodles, strengthening its position in the relevant category, he added.

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  • Sneha soni
    September 14, 2023

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