Nestlé India launches Maggi soya chunks

Expanding access to affordable, nutritious, and tasty plant-based meat alternatives

Expanding access to nutritious and sustainable food is more important than ever. Today, many people do not have access to an adequate and diverse diet that provides enough protein and micronutrients.

With this in mind, Nestlé is actively exploring the use of plant-based ingredients to bring nutritious proteins to consumers in an affordable and sustainable way.

The company recently launched Maggi Soya Chunks, a tasty, affordable, plant-based meat alternative that enables consumers in Central and West Africa to add high-quality protein to their everyday food.

Made from soy, each pack provides enough protein for up to eight people, with less saturated fats and cholesterol, at lower cost when compared to animal protein. To help address the main micronutrient deficiencies in the region, they are fortified with iron and zinc.

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“We’re focused on using more plant-based ingredients as part of our efforts to deliver affordable, nutritious products that contribute to closing the protein gap that exists for many consumers. Our soya chunks are not only delicious but serve an excellent choice for families looking to enhance their daily diets with increased protein and essential micronutrients in an affordable way,” says Céline Worth, R&D Program Manager for Affordable Nutrition at Nestlé.

The soya chunks have a taste, texture, and functionality that is close to meat, making them a versatile protein source for a variety of family meals such as rice dishes, stews, and spaghetti.

The product comes in a shelf-stable format, making it accessible to a wide range of consumers, including those in areas where there is a limited cold supply chain. During cooking, the chunks become hydrated and develop the tasty meat like texture.

Shivani Hegde, Global Category Lead for Affordable Nutrition, Food Strategic Business Unit at Nestlé added “The launch of Maggi Soya Chunks is another key step in our endeavor to offer our consumers convenient, enjoyable and sustainable food solutions that are nutritious, accessible and affordable.”

By leveraging its global reach and innovation capabilities, Nestlé is well placed to deliver novel concepts for affordable nutrition. The company is also exploring products that combine the goodness of milk and plant-based ingredients, thus bringing the best of both worlds to consumers. One example is the recent launch of Nido Milk & Soya, an affordable and nutritious instant powdered beverage that is made with a blend of milk and soy and contains essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron and calcium.

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