Nestlé India to Launch Cerelac Variants with No Refined Sugar


Nestlé India is gearing up to introduce new variants of its popular baby food brand Cerelac, this time with no refined sugar. The decision comes after facing significant backlash earlier this year, following allegations from Swiss agency Public Eye and the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN). The groups claimed that Nestlé was adding sugar to baby products like infant milk in lower-income nations, including India, Africa, and Latin America, while offering sugar-free alternatives in markets like Europe and the UK.

In response to these concerns, Nestlé India has announced that it will launch 14 new sugar-free variants of Cerelac, out of a total of 21. The first seven of these variants are set to hit the market by the end of November 2024, with the remaining versions being rolled out over the following weeks. The move marks a significant shift for the company, which has already reduced added sugar in its products by 30% over the past five years.

According to Suresh Narayanan, Chairman and Managing Director of Nestlé India, the project has been in the works for three years and represents the company’s ongoing commitment to improving the nutritional content of its products. The announcement is especially meaningful as Cerelac celebrates its 50th anniversary in India, with the first batch having been produced at the Moga factory in Punjab in 1975.

This launch could help Nestlé repair its image after the controversy, while also providing Indian parents with healthier feeding options for their babies.

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