NIFTEM Recruitment – RA/SRF/Project Associate


The National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management – Thanjavur (NIFTEM-T) is a pioneer Research and Educational Institution under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India. Dr. V. Subrahmanyan. an eminent scientist and founder Director, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, after his retirement, started PPRC in 1967 as R & D laboratory in the Modern Rice Mill complex of Thanjavur Co-operative Marketing Federation (TCMF) at Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India under the dedicated leadership and the able guidance of late. The mandate of the Institute at its inception was to seek solutions for preserving high moisture paddy because the paddy harvest season in Southern India coincided with the tail end of the South West monsoon. The Institute was later upgraded as a national laboratory with the name Paddy Processing Research Centre (PPRC) in 1972. At the time of up-gradation the mandates of the Institute were also changed and the scientists in the Institute focused their research in identifying technologies for post harvest procession and preservation of paddy. The Institute was moved to it current location at Thanjavur in 1984.

Considering the vital importance of strengthening R & D efforts in the post-harvest processing, preservation and value addition of raw agricultural produce, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) strengthened and upgraded the PPRC as a National Institute in February 2008 and renamed as Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT).

The Honorable Union Minister of Food Processing Industries has rechristened IICPT as Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) on 31st March 2017. In its upgraded form, IIFPT will focus on providing solutions to all food processing areas including fish, meat and dairy products processing through intensive research and development activities.

The Institute is located at Thanjavur, the ancient capital of Chola Kingdom and the granary of Tamil Nadu. The National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management – Thanjavur (NIFTEM-T) with its modern laboratories equipped with hi-tech instruments, is engaged in the R&D of food grain processing, value addition, by-product utilization through bio-processing, process and product development.

Our Food Quality Testing Laboratory is NABL accredited and FSSAI referral. We have a hi-tech and cottage level food processing incubation cum training center. Hands-on-training on different food processing technologies, renting facilities and other supports are offered all thought the year to help the entrepreneurs to put in their innovative ideas for the development of new products. National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management – Thanjavur (NIFTEM-T) offers B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. programs in Food Process Engineering and M.Tech. programs in Food Science and Technology and Ph.D. in Biotechnology.

Online applications are invited from bright, dynamic and highly motivated candidates with requisite eligibility
criteria as furnished below for the following temporary/time bound positions on contract basis as detailed below:

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General Instructions

  1. Age Limit for as on date of Interview
     RA/SRF/PA & Project Associate – I : 35 years for men and 40 years for women
  2. Application Fee: Rs.500/- (SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates are exempted from payment of fees).
  3. Tenure of the Project for RA/SRF/Project Associate – I & PA: Tenure will be initially for a period of six months or till the completion of the Project Period whichever is earlier and renewal of tenure will be done every six months based on the performance.
  4. Selected candidates will have to work for six days in a week except second Saturday and Government holidays.
  5. The applicant must ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility conditions in accordance with the prescribed qualification, experience etc., before applying for the specific post.
  6. The candidates must apply only through online application form available in the Institute website No offline application sent directly to the Institute will be entertained.
  7. The candidate must upload soft copies (PDF form) of all certificates and relevant documents in support of their claim in the online application form wherever necessary. In respect of publications, the first page of publications must be uploaded, failing which such publications will not be considered.
  8. After successful submission of online application, the candidates are instructed to sign the hardcopy of downloaded application. The signed application form, self-attested copies of supporting documents and copy of e-receipt generated in SBI collect are to be scanned as a single PDF file. The scanned PDF file has to be sent to the mail id: within THREE days from the last date of online submission.
  9. The Institute reserves the right to Revise / Reschedule / Cancel / Suspend / withdraw the recruitment process without assigning any reason. The decision of the Institute shall be final and no appeal in this regard shall be entertained. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason.
  10. Selection process:
     Eligible shortlisted candidates will be called for written examination followed by interview.
     The written examination followed by interview will be conducted in person only at NIFTEM -Thanjavur main campus.
  11. The shortlisted candidates will also be informed through e-mail about the date & time of written exam & interview.
  12. All communications with the candidate shall be through email. If required, NIFTEM-Thanjavur may seek additional / other documents after this date also.
  13. Important Dates
     Commencement of online application is from 16th March 2024 at 10:00 AM (IST)
    Last date for submission of online applications is 30th March 2024 at 6.00 PM (IST)
     Date of Interview is on 08.04.2024 @ 9.30 AM

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🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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