NPD, Food technologist – The Allana Group

The Allana Group, established in 1865, is acknowledged as the Global Leader in the manufacture & export of various consumer products including Frozen & Chilled Halal Meat, Frozen & Aseptic Fruit Pulps, Coffee , Cereals & Pet Food.

The Allana Group currently enjoys the status of “Five Star Export House”, one of the rare recognitions conferred by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.

The Consumer Products Division (CPD) of the Allana group has a wide array of products in both B2B & B2C business segments to cater to the needs of end consumers & industries. With its range of products including Edible oils & Fats, Bakery Ingredients, Premium Ice-creams, plant-based meat products; and more categories expected in days to come, it enthuses the consumers with its impeccable quality and adds value to their lives.

We envision leaving an enduring mark of excellence on the global map by providing quality products and services that are analogous to our heritage.

We aim to grow through partnerships and maintain an uncompromising approach towards excellence which includes inculcating an indomitable drive, a relentless determination and a persistent delivery standard in every aspect of the business.

We are hiring Food Technologist for NPD / RND ( non-veg category ) based at Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Experience 1-2 years in relavant field.

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🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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