CSIR—Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysuru (A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi) is one of the premier R&D institutions in the country dedicated to cutting-edge research in the area Of Food Science & Techn010U, The ongoing programmed are primarily focused under Four major broad areas such as Techno low Development, Engineering Sciences, Translational Research and Food Safety. Currently the institute is vibrant with CSIR Mission projects and Focused Basic Research along with a large number of in-house projects. Industry sponsored projects are also one of the highlights in which specific and relevant problems are addressed by
experts in a time bound manner. CSIR—CFTRI has excellent facilities to promote all round research comparable to world’s leading Scientific Establishments.
CSIR—CFTRI invites online applications from Indian citizens who are highly motivated, enthusiastic and qualified researchers/ professionals in order to contribute towards Nation’s development by pursuing in-depth R&D in the diverse areas of Food Science & Technology to fill up the following scientific positions:

11. Designation: SCIENTIST
- Post Code – S-23
- No of post & Category – 01 Post [UR – 01]
- Essential Qualifications – Ph.D. (Sc.) submitted in Biochemistry/Biophysics
- Desirable Qualifications –
- DE: (i) Research experience in structural and functional characterization of proteins evident through peer-reviewed research Publications
- (ii) Research experience in separation & characterization of proteins using modern analytical methods
- Job Requirements – To carry out R&D activities in the area of protein chemistry
- Pay Level (As per 7thCPC): Level- 11 (₹ 67,700 – ₹ 2,08,700)
- Total Emoluments (As per 7th CPC) #: ₹ 1,22.629/-
- ** Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 14.03.2025): 32 Years
12. Designation: SCIENTIST
- Post Code – S-25
- No of post & Category – 1 Post [UR – 01]
- Essential Qualifications – Ph.D. (Sc.) submitted in Chemistry
- Desirable Qualifications –
- DE: (i) Industrial/Research experience in fundamental and applied aspects of Spices /Food Chemistry/Flavour Chemistry/ Separation Chemistry/ Natural Product Chemistry/Aroma Compounds
- (ii) Experience in Product Development/ Technology Innovation/Applied Technology /Translational Research in the area of Spices & Flavour Science
- (iii) Research contributions evidenced by peer-reviewed publications in SCI journals or patents
- Job Requirements: To carry out R&D activities in the area of spices, flavour and plantation products
- Pay Level (As per 7thCPC): Level- 11 (₹ 67,700 – ₹ 2,08,700)
- Total Emoluments (As per 7th CPC) #: ₹ 1,22.629/-
- ** Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 14.03.2025): 32 Years
13. Designation: SCIENTIST
- Post Code –S-26
- No of post & Category -02 Posts [SC – 02]
- Essential Qualifications – Ph.D. (Sc.) submitted in Food Science/Food Science & Technology/Food Science & Nutrition/Food Technology/ Food Processing Technology
- Desirable Qualifications –
- DE: (i) Industrial/Research experience in fundamental and applied aspects of Food Science & Technology
- (ii) Experience in Product Development/Technology Innovation/Applied Technology /Scale-up in the area of Food Science & Technology
- (iii) Research contributions evidenced by peer-reviewed publications in SCI journals or patents
- Job Requirements – To actively contribute in R&D in the area of Food Science & Technology along with teaching
- Pay Level (As per 7thCPC): Level- 11 (₹ 67,700 – ₹ 2,08,700)
- Total Emoluments (As per 7th CPC) #: ₹ 1,22.629/-
- ** Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 14.03.2025): 32 Years
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14. Designation: SCIENTIST
- Post Code – S-27
- No of post & Category – 1 Post [ST – 01]
- Essential Qualifications – Ph.D. (Sc.) submitted in Food Science/Food Science & Technology/Food Technology/ Post Harvest Technology
- Desirable Qualifications –
- DE: (i) Industrial/Research experience in fundamental and applied aspects of fruit and vegetable processing & preservation
- (ii) Experience in Product Development/Technology Innovation/Applied Technology/Scale-up in the area of fruit and vegetable processing & preservation
- (iii) Research contributions evidenced by peer-reviewed publications in SCI journals or patents
- Job Requirements – To carry out R&D activities in the area of fruit and Vegetable Processing & Preservation
- Pay Level (As per 7thCPC): Level- 11 (₹ 67,700 – ₹ 2,08,700)
- Total Emoluments (As per 7th CPC) #: ₹ 1,22.629/-
- ** Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 14.03.2025): 32 Years
15. Designation: SCIENTIST
- Post Code – S-28
- No of post & Category – 1 Post [UR-PwBD(OH) – 01]
- Essential Qualifications –
- M.E./M.Tech in the area of Food Technology/Food Engineering & Technology / Food Science & Technology/ Food Process Engineering/ Food Processing Technology/ Food Technology & Management
- OR
- Ph.D. (Engg. /Sc.) submitted in the area of Food Technology/ Food Engineering & Technology / Food Science & Technology/ Food Process Engineering/ Food Processing Technology/ Food Technology & Management
- Desirable Qualifications –
- A full-time MBA degree or PG Diploma with specializations in Technology Management /Marketing/ Entrepreneurship
- OR
- Experience in Market Research/ Financial Modeling/ Business Planning and Incubation/Technology Transfer
- Job Requirements – Liaising with the Industry in supporting the projects and technology transfer activities (entrepreneurs and Institutional clients)
- Pay Level (As per 7thCPC): Level- 11 (₹ 67,700 – ₹ 2,08,700)
- Total Emoluments (As per 7th CPC) #: ₹ 1,22.629/-
- ** Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 14.03.2025): 32 Years
Starting Date for Submission of Online Applications: 10.02.2025 (from 10:00 A.M)
Last Date for Receipt/Submission of Online Applications: 14.03.2025 (upto 5:00 P.M)
How to Apply:
a) Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE only through our website
https://recruitment.cftri.res.in or https://cftri.res.in . No other mode of application will be considered.
b) If the candidate does not have a valid email id, he/she should create a new valid email id before applying online and should be kept active during the entire recruitment process.
c)For online application process please refer “How-to-apply online” instructions, “Fee Payment Procedure’ and ‘Application Replica’ available on the above-mentioned website. The application is to be submitted in three distinct steps within prescribed timeline, as below: – i) Registration [online)
ii) Fee Submission [online], if applicable iii) Online application submission.
d) Online Application Will be available on https:/ / recruitment.cftri.res.in or https://cftri.res.in The deadlines for the above-mentioned stages of application are as follows
e) A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred Rupees) only wherever applicable may be deposited through the link to pay online which will be available on this website https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=299364 and downloaded copy of e-receipt of the same must be uploaded in the portal for successful submission of online application. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD/Women/Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of application fee, subject to uploading of the relevant document of their claim. Applications without the prescribed fee will not be considered and summarily rejected in the non-exempted categories. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.
f) Candidate is required to upload his/her recent passport size scanned colour photograph, signature each (max size 50 KB) and also relevant certificates (max size 1MB each) at the specified places in the online application.
g) Applications submitted cannot be withdrawn, and fees paid are non-refundable under any circumstances. Additionally, fees cannot be held in reserve for future examinations or selections.
h)In case of Board/University/Institute awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA/DGPA/CPI grades etc., the candidate must convert these into a percentage using the formula provided by the concerned Board/University/Institution. Additionally, copy of the conversion of CGPA/SGPA/OGPA/DGPA/CPI grades etc. into percentage, issued by the concerned Board/University/Institution must be uploaded in the online application. Failure to submit the
conversion formula along with the online application form, if applicable, will result in the application being treated as incomplete.
i)Only one application per candidate will be accepted for each postcode. If a candidate submits multiple online applications for the same postcode using different email addresses, only the most recent completed application will be considered. Candidates should retain a copy of the application
print-out and any payment details for their records, as these will not be available after the application deadline.
j)The candidate must register with their name, email-id and mobile number. After successful registration, the candidate has to login using the credentials and apply through the Online Application Portal. After filling-up the application form, the candidate can upload all relevant supporting documents and verify or edit the application to ensure that the application is accurate and complete in all aspects. After finalizing the application, the candidate has to finally ‘Submit’ the Draft application and update the payment details, if applicable, in the Portal to successfully submit the application form. Once the application is submitted, no further modifications or amendments will be permitted. It is important to keep a printout of the completed application form. Candidates should NOT send a hard copy of the application after submission. They will be requested to submit a hard copy at the appropriate time.
k) A candidate can apply for multiple postcodes subject to fulfilling all eligibility criterion attached to each individual post code. However, the candidate must complete a separate application (except primary/registration details) along with the requisite application fee separately for each post code.
l) Once submitted, any request for change or correction in the application form will not be accepted under any circumstances.
m) In the event of a fake or fabricated application or registration, that misuses the name or photo of any other person, the candidate and/or cyber café will be held accountable for appropriate legal action.
n) In the event of a fake or fabricated application or registration, that misuses the name or photo of any other person, the candidate and/or cyber café will be held accountable for appropriate legal action. Candidates currently working in CSIR/Government Organisations/Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies/Universities/PSU etc., as regular employee, must upload a ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) from their employer, along with their online application. Failure to do so will rendered the application as incomplete.
o) Candidate are advised to check the official CSIR-CFTRI website regularly. For addendum/corrigendum and updated information regarding this advertisement, please visit our website: https://cftri.res.in
p) No separate individual information/intimation shall be sent to the candidates. Therefore, candidates are advised to keep visiting this website https://cftri.res.in regularly.
q) No separate call letters will be mailed to candidates. All notifications and communications will be sent via email provided by the candidate in the application form.
r) Any information provided by an applicant in their online application form will be binding on the candidate. They will be liable for prosecution and civil consequences in case the information or details submitted are found to be false at any later stage.
Note: Applicants are advised to strictly adhere to the instructions. The information submitted in the online application will be considered as final for further processing. The validation rules and design of the online application are based on the requirements outlined in the advertisement and no representation in this regard will be entertained. Candidates should carefully read the advertisement and refer to the “Instructions” section on the application portal. Submission of an online application does not guarantee that the candidate meets all eligibility criteria stated in the advertisement. Applications are subject to subsequent scrutiny and may be rejected if ineligibility is discovered at later stages.
Appointments for reserved positions will be provisional, pending verification of caste certificates through appropriate channels. If verification reveals that a candidate’s claim to SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD status is false or incorrect, their employment will be terminated immediately without assigning any reasons and without prejudice to further legal action as deemed fit.
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