Opening – Vairagi Breweries

Vairagi Breweries is an exciting and innovative beer manufacturing company that has recently entered the market with a mission to revolutionize the brewing industry. With a fresh perspective and a commitment to excellence, Vairagi Breweries aims to create unique and memorable beer experiences for consumers. As a new player in the industry, Vairagi Breweries is driven by a team of passionate individuals who bring a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to their craft.

The company is spearheaded by a visionary leadership team dedicated to pushing the boundaries of traditional brewing and introducing new flavors and concepts to the market. Vairagi Breweries takes pride in its state-of-the-art facilities, equipped with cutting-edge brewing technologies. These facilities enable the company to produce beers of exceptional quality and consistency. From sourcing the finest ingredients to implementing meticulous brewing processes, Vairagi Breweries is committed to delivering beers that satisfy the discerning palates of consumers. One of the key pillars of Vairagi Breweries’ philosophy is innovation.

The company continuously explores new techniques, ingredients, and flavor profiles to create beers that stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s experimenting with unique hop combinations, incorporating local ingredients, or introducing exciting brewing methods, Vairagi Breweries is always striving to push boundaries and surprise beer enthusiasts with fresh and captivating offerings. Quality is of paramount importance to Vairagi Breweries. The company adheres to rigorous quality control measures at every stage of production, ensuring that every bottle of beer meets the highest standards of excellence. Each batch undergoes stringent testing and tasting to guarantee consistency and deliver an exceptional drinking experience.

We are hiring the following candidates for Our Plant at Vairagi Breweries, Lucknow.
1. Microbiologist – 1 or 2 year experience.
2. Packaging Executive – 2 – 3 year experience.
3. Instrumentation Executive – 3 – 5 years experience.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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