Operations & Quality Control Manager – ONganic Foods Pvt Ltd

About ONganic Foods

ONganic Foods is a Leading Global supplier of Certified Organic Agro Products from India including Rice, Spices, Oilseeds, Cereals, Herbs and Sweeteners. We have strong relationships with organic small holder farming communities in East and North East India and have an integrated supply chain, with own milling and processing. ONganic Foods is a part of ON Group – A diversified business group with interest in multiple sectors including Clean Energy, Skilling, Agriculture and Food Manufacturing.

High standards of Excellence & Quality, Philosophy guided by novelty and Ethical practices are the guiding principles of the company towards satisfying and fulfilling the customer’s needs in today’s global environment.

ONganic Foods has received recognition from Mastercard, Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, New Indian Express, NITI AYOG GOI amongst others.

Ekta Jaju is extremely passionate about building a sustainable, organic, resilient community in Rural India. She realized that finding reliable market is single largest challenge small organic farmers faced. Coupled with lack of knowledge of market demands, and organic best practices, and poor prices forced many to look for alternate income options. Ekta was passionate and determined to demonstrate that organic farming is a financially sustainable profession for small holders.

Ekta set up ONganic Foods in 2015 to provide integrated and holistic solution to the challenges in agriculture sector. ONganic handholds the farmer right from procurement of seeds to access to the premium markets. Apart from benefits of reduced cost and premium prices, organic farming improves soil quality, promotes bio diversity, is extremely nutritious and healthy and is climate resilient. ONganic’s vision is better livelihoods for farmers, health & wellness for consumers and a sustainable planet.


●Develop and maintain facility quality systems

●Oversee food sanitation and safety

●Maintain systems for checking and verifying process compliance to SPC, HACCP Food Safety Plan, Food Quality Plan, and Formula Control

●Ensure effective training in food safety and quality control training for plant team members

●Report findings of quality control audit to the General Manager

●Troubleshoot food safety and quality issues as they arise

●Work closely with legal and safety departments to ensure that activities remain compliant

●Oversee materials and inventory

●Conduct budget reviews and report cost plans to upper management

●Setting up of new/ advanced food processing machines.

●Training team in food processing & food safety.

●Managing FSSC22K/FSSCAI/Organic documentation, audit, and certification


●Excellent written and verbal communication skills

●Strong skills in budget development and oversight

●Excellent ability to delegate responsibilities while maintaining organizational control of branch operations and customer service

●Strong Interpersonal Skills


Bachelor/ Master Degree in Science degree, with an emphasis on food science, food engineering, chemistry, or related field


Upto 4 Lakhs

(Compensation package will be in line with qualification, experience and last salary drawn) 


Base location will be Kolkata; will be required to travel to other cities and countries depending on partnership opportunities and event. Preference will be given to candidates from the region.

Candidates can send their updated CV

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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