Parle Agro’s new campaign introduces the ‘Smoodh Hazelnut Chocolate’

The company has launched a high-intensity campaign for the new offering targeting consumers across India.

Parle Agro has launched a new campaign to announce the introduction of new variant to their flavoured milk portfolio – Smoodh Hazelnut Chocolate.

The new offering is the fourth addition to Parle Agro’s dairy beverage range.

Commenting on the launch of the new flavour, Nadia Chauhan, Joint Managing Director and CMO, Parle Agro, said, “We are delighted to introduce Smoodh Hazelnut Chocolate and bring the rich taste of hazelnut and chocolate to consumers across India. This offering is another unique innovation from Parle Agro and we are confident it’ll see much love and acceptance from consumers.”

Parle Agro has launched a high-intensity campaign for the new offering targeting consumers across India. This includes visibility in 90+ channels, digital platforms as well as across one-third of cinemas across India. 


  • SHiwani Raja Bundela
    July 15, 2022

    I have six years experience in Quality department under QA, QC, Microbiologist, RM-PM, and documentation. I have done my masters in Foodtechnology and graduation in Biotechnology.
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  • SHiwani Raja Bundela
    July 15, 2022

    I have six years experience in Quality department under QA, QC, Microbiologist, RM-PM, and documentation.
    I have done my masters in Foodtechnology and graduation in Biotechnology.

  • Divya
    July 15, 2022

    I am a fresher but I have done my internships in food industries in QA,QC department.
    I have done BSc in food technology and MSc food technology it’s my last sem I will get my result in August 2022.
    Please consider me i will do my best I am a good learner

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