Plant-based fork adds on to Nestlé’s innovative packaging accessories

MAGGI’s ‘Desh ke liye 2 minute’ initiative, launched in 2020, aims to create a significant impact through small actions. One of its goals is to offer sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic. In line with this objective, MAGGI has introduced an edible fork in partnership with Nestlé R&D India (a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A and a part of Nestlé’s global R&D network) and an Indian start-up Trishula. Made from wheat flour, this innovative fork enhances the delightful experience of savoring MAGGI Cuppa Noodles, adding to its soupy, slurpy, and masaledar charm.

Earlier in 2023, MAGGI also launched foldable, compostable forks in India which was jointly developed in collaboration with Nestlé’s Institute of Packaging Sciences in Lausanne, Switzerland, Kaneka India Pvt. Ltd., and Nestlé India R&D. The introduction of the foldable, compostable forks could result in annualised plastic reduction of approximately 35 MT.

Commenting on the test launch of the edible forks, Mr. Rajat Jain, Director, Foods, Nestlé India, said “At Nestlé, it is our continuous endeavor to discover ways to build a better future for our consumers and the planet. The launch of edible fork in Cuppa noodles marks a significant milestone in our commitment towards environmental responsibility while pioneering consumer-centric initiatives. This innovation is a testament of our global R&D capabilities showcased in the use of cutting edge-technology to develop first-of-its-kind two-piece fork design. We are confident that this launch will also set a strong precedent for greater greener solutions.”

Mr. Jagdeep Marahar, Head of Nestlé R&D Centre India Private Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Société des Produits, Nestlé SA), said “Our global packaging expertise, combined with the insights of our local packaging experts allows us to discover and test innovative ways to reduce plastics. Our teams are constantly exploring novel packaging materials and cutting-edge technologies to optimize use of plastics across the value chain and create sustainable alternatives that are accepted by local consumers.”

The launch of the edible forks is currently planned as a limited period offering. MAGGI Masala Cuppa noodles with Edible Fork is available in major metro cities starting May’24, priced at INR 50 for a 79.5 g pack.

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