Plant Manager – Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited (HCCB)


About HCCB

Manufacturing India’s favourite beverages since 1997. A top draw FMCG company that stands on the podium because it’s led by people who inspire the extraordinary. Our goal is to align business interests with the interests of the communities where we operate, and to make a difference in areas where we are most qualified, credible and capable. Our commitment to Sustainability goes beyond aligning with natural forces. We measure our growth by the constant updation of our business practices, be it manufacturing, packaging or distribution. We also encourage our partners and the extended ecosystem to do the same.

At HCCB, we have always believed in giving back to the communities in which we operate, endeavoring to make a difference in the lives of the people around us. Our sustainable development goals are key to building a strong business for the future and to ensure economic value generation, in a socially inclusive and responsible manner.

The Policy outlines HCCBPL’s mission, as a responsible corporate citizen, to make a positive difference in the communities it serves. In alignment with the aforesaid, HCCBPL, through its CSR initiatives, will continue to enhance value creation in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct & initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for community, in fulfillment of its role as a Socially Responsible Corporate.

The Policy aims at enabling and facilitating accomplishment of Company’s CSR objectives, broadly outlined as follows:

  • Ensure an increased commitment at all levels in the Company, to operate its business in an economically, socially & environmentally sustainable manner, while recognizing the interests of all its stakeholder groups.
  • To undertake activities that benefit the communities in which it operates and result, over a period of time, in enhancing the quality of life, skills and economic well-being of the local populace.
  • To generate, through its CSR initiatives, community goodwill for HCCBPL and help reinforce a positive & socially responsible image of HCCBPL as a responsible corporate entity.

Our objective is to grow our business, while making a lasting positive difference in the communities we serve. HCCB has been undertaking community initiatives, focusing on sectors such as education, women empowerment, environment preservation, rain water harvesting, plastic recycling, active and healthy living, skill development and inclusive economic growth.

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Location – Ameenpur Plant 

Job Objective

The objective of this role is to manage activities at the manufacturing location which includes efficient and effective production, maintenance and effective distribution of the manufactured product to the market.

Job Responsibilities

Cost Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for “Cost of Goods Sold” in the location.
Direct responsibility for preparation, approval and control of annual plant budgets.
Overall responsibility for control and monitoring of empties inventory and finished product dispatches.

Production, Maintenance and Logistics Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for all production, maintenance, activities.
Overall responsibility for all warehousing & finished goods inventory control, shipping and logistics.
Overall responsibility for production planning and control.
Overall responsibility for control of raw and packing material inventory.
Overall responsibility for maintenance of equipment and spares.
Overall responsibility for identification of plant improvement projects and execution.

People Responsibilities
Direct responsibility for selection, coaching, feedback and development of plant personnel. Key involvement in setting and meeting targets/aspirations of the team. 
Overall responsibility for discipline in the work force.
Direct responsibility for safety & security of personnel, facilities and equipment.

External Environment Management
Overall responsibility to interact with all external parties to the plant such as local government agencies, legal agencies, local media and interest groups
Management Responsibilities related to Plant
Direct responsibility for setting and achieving key indicator goals for the plant. 
Overall responsibility for adherence to local laws, especially labor laws, pollution control laws, fire and explosives, safety, electrical installations etc

Educational Qualification 

  • B.Tech / M.Tech / M.Sc  or a equivalent degree in manufacturing and technical work Experience 
  • 12-15 years of experience
  • Business Knowledge 
  • Operating knowledge of various functions Developments in the Industry Basic Financials Product and Process Knowledge Thorough knowledge of all people-related issues in the factory.
  • Basic knowledge of the Factory Standing Orders
  • Thorough knowledge of all laws relevant to manufacturing units.

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