Production Executive & Quality – Ever Fruit Pvt Ltd

About us

Quality food items like fruits and vegetables has to be reached to all part of the world and that was the main objective of this company since its inception.

Why Us

  • We have our own team of Labours for Harvesting , Grading , Packing.
  • We provide weekly video demonstrations to our labours to perfectly about grading , harvesting .
  • Normally , in India the trend is of hiring labours on contract which affect on quality due to compromise on economical viability.
  • Our Packing facility is based near vineyards to assure the freshness and quality of the fruit ,we have our own packing facility of around 200 MT capacity & have annual contract with 2 other packing facilities to cover our volumes in Nashik and Sangli district . 

Company Profile

  • Ever fruit Exports Private Limited is Fruits and Vegetables export and domestic trading company which is based at Nashik.
  • We have our own Table Grapes farm of 60 Hector and also we procure from marginal farmers.
  • Nashik region in Maharashtra, India is known for producing quality fruits and vegetables.
  • We have infrastructure of processing 3,250 Metric ton Table Grapes per annum for International market.
  • We are exporting table grapes since 1993. It was our family business.
  • In 2018 we have shifted from family business to corporate structure.
  • Furthermore we are developing supply chain for domestic fruits and vegetables market.

Position: Production Executive & Quality

Officer Company: Ever Fruit Pvt Ltd Ever Fruit Exports Private Limited is a renowned Fruits and Vegetables export and domestic trading company with operations in Nashik and Pune.

  • Location: Pune, Maharashtra
  • Experience: 0-3 years in the Food Industry
  • Salary Range: 3 to 8 lakhs PA Maximum

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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